Ubcoin – Trading with Cryptographic Currencies

in #crypto7 years ago


It might be regarded as irony that the veiled identity of the block chain initiator is the major cause of downsides rocking the technology. In recent years, core problems such as throughput rocked the foundations of the block chain.

Cryptographic currencies are not in tune with reality. They rather sing discordant tunes from their fiat counterparts. Being utilized over the net, there seems no way of bringing their use case to real-world. Hence, the block chain technology is likened to a leprous man – while the disease ravages his skin, the sun brings scorching heat to him.

Splinter groups had formulated policies they hoped will meet existing pain points. A major part of these groups focus on solving scalability downsides. Only few concentrate on the other angle.

Ready Market, No Product
Crypto currencies are no doubt, volatile. Recent studies on their trade had proved this. However, it is a market with no product. Thousands of users have millions of cryptographic currencies dangling in their digital wallets. They can only sell and buy these over the internet. Aside few e-commerce platforms that accept them, these currencies are as good as nothing.

To be regarded as money, they should strong base in fiat settings. Likewise, there should be interoperability and withdrawal of funds. These currencies lack these basic features. To bridge the gap, Ubcoin came up with solutions that can fuel the crypto market with working products.

The core in-road to solving this solution is creation of a marketplace. The team behind this project after dexterous research, found crypto trades lacking in one area. These currencies cannot be exchanged for physical goods. They are rather used in digital sphere.


Ubcoin created a marketplace on its ecosystem. The marketplace is a great tool that will bring multiple users. At the moment, digital currencies are admired by many but like the proverbial saying, many are called and few are selected.

Thousands are afraid to make dips to the ocean of these currencies. While many are not in the know of its technicalities, others are not ready to follow the dexterous trading it incurs. As posited by Ubcoin’s team, its market will help merchants and consumers interact with cryptographic currencies. The idea is for merchants to place their goods on the market and other users who have the currency can trade it for such products. This way, you are getting physical products with your digital currency while funding the merchant with same.

The project was not recently floated. Before hand, Ubcoin’s team was behind Ubank - the parent company of Ubcoin that provided payment solutions to the Eastern Europe region. The Ubcoin mobile application integrates merchant and seller interaction in the market. Before now, the app has over 16 million with about 20 million transactions processed through Ubank.

Aside providing mobile marketplace for its users, Ubcoin backs the platform up with AI and smart-search technologies. These will screen listed products and contents while providing algorithms for target audience.


Merchants have access to efficient tools for easy marketing. There is also a crypto wallet to hold their funds. Likewise, they can access the throughput of their targeted ads. Buyers also have crypto wallets in addition to accessing products meeting their pain points. Same way as a web cache, there are also saved searches and purchase history for easy reference.

Token Distribution
Crowd-Sales: 45%
Reserve: 31%
Advisors and Bounty: 4%
Team: 12%
Private Sales: 5%
Incentives: 3%

Token Sales Information

Token Name: UBCoin
Ticker: UBC
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Exchange Rate: 1 UBC= 0.000125 ETH
Hard Cap: 650 million UBC
Accepted Currency: ETH
Country: The United Arab Emirates

UBCoin’s Team




Working Product
Ubcoin came at a time the global smart phone market is booming. The e-commerce industry is also growing at same pace haven accumulated over $2.5 trillion in 2016. The cryptographic currency market is also rising exponentially. There are indications that its holders will double by 90% in 2020 to reach an all-time 200 million crypto holders. Ubcoin came at the right time and its implementation will initiate new phases for both crypto currencies and the block chain.

For more information; please visit;
Website: https://ubcoin.io/
Whitepaper: http://doc.ubcoin.io/whitepaper.pdf?v1
Telegram: https://t.me/ubcoin
Facebook: https://facebook.com/Ubcoin-838741126308809/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ubcoin
Medium: https://medium.com/@ubcoin

AUTHOR'S PROFILE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1820069