Keep your investments safe and sound

in #crypto4 years ago (edited)



During the history people were always trying to collect foods, clothes, money, gold, etc... and keep them safe from any physical and non-physical threat somewhere for the future usage. These new days people have the same issue, banks are not always suitable specially if you are planing to invest on something other than money.
As, I explained before I my previous articles, because of the rise of inflection rate and the economic crisis in all over the world, investing on gold can be the best option. Other than that, recently, we saw the gold price fallen down on the markets and that's can be a very nice and rare opportunity to invest and buy gold.
Here in this article I will explain about how, can you keep your investments safe from physical threats like thieves and nonphysical threats like inflection rate.


The physical threats

Physical threats were always very known for people during the history.
Depending on what you are doing to invest, there can be some physical financial threats, Since gold was always the best thing to invest comparing to any other metals, we are going to discuss about it mainly in this article. During the history there was always some people trying to buy and hold some gold as gold bars or jewellers, but in the other hand, the thieves are looking for any small chance to steal all the investments in any moment of the time and any situation, sometimes they will even murder people for it. Even the strongest banks and strongboxes were victims of the attacks by the greedy thieves. Also, even if you try to keep your funds on some sort of strongbox, moving the golds can be a huge problem. There is none to guarantee the safety of your funds. Because, other than thieves, natural disasters are the other possible threats. In the next section of the article I'm going to explain you how Digital Gold project can solve all the problems above.


Ways to keep it safe from physical threats

Here is where you must trust in the new technology, called blockchain. Let's say you won't need a huge strongbox to put your golds inside it or you won't need to pay any money to rent bank safe deposit box. The thieves are unable to steal a penny from you and natural disasters won't be a problem at all. Digital Gold is the key! You can easily buy one gram of 99.99% fine gold by buying 1 Digital Gold token. Since the team behind this project supplied a huge amount of gold liquidity, the token is literally backed by gold and the price is always stable and exactly same as one gram of the gold. You don't need to be worry about moving the gold investments. because, the tokens are stored on ERC-20 blockchain and trade-able 24/7 on three famous exchanges with low fees. You can store the founds on your smartphone, laptop or computer and transfer the golds without fee (only the ERC-20 fee) to anyone having a simple ERC-20 wallet address. you can also exchange the Digital Golds to Bitcoin and Ethereum using the marketplace on official website real fast and quick. Since you don't give out your private keys, your funds are all safe using Digital Gold.


The non-physical threats

The most known non-physical threats over your investment in always the inflection rate. Specially during the current economic crisis. All the the fiat currencies are always lose the value over gold and the other metals. To understand the inflection rate let's say imagine, your money is a snowball in your hands in a sunny day and you are going to climb a mountain and make your snowball bigger there, but there is also an escalator moving you down, also the warmth of your hands and the heat of the sun are making the snowball smaller over time. Here you need to save your money from all these threats. In the continuation of the article I'm going to explain how you can easily solve this problem using Digital Gold project.


Ways to keep your money safe from non-physical threats

Here you will need something trustworthy, stable and well known to invest your funds on it and as we explained before this should be related to metals and specially gold. Digital Gold is the thing you are looking for. Since the price was always stable during the year, after buying one single Digital Gold you can hold it inside your ERC-20 wallet and you don't need to be worry about the inflection because instead of lose the value, your founds are getting valuable overtime.



We all need some investments for our living and gold are always the best option, but there are many threats we must stay aware of them to keep our investments safe. Digital Gold is a trusted and old project that will help you to keep all your investments safe from any physical and non-physical possible threat without of spending too much money for your safety. Whenever in 24/7 you can buy one gram of 99.99% fine gold using the famous exchanges like Bitforex, Livecoin, Cryptex or their official marketplace where you can place the orders and they will do the exchange super fast and secure while you pay actually 0.00 gold your transitions. Digital Gold is an ERC-20 stable token and the value of one Digital Gold is always as same as one gram of fine gold and due to a huge amount of liquidity supplied by the team nothing can change the price of your investments other than the gold itself.

Here is a YouTube video explaining about this project:

More videos are available on Digital Gold YouTube channel.

Ways to contact the project:
Official website: Digital Gold
Whitepaper: Whitepaper
Announce Thread on Bitcointalk: ANN Thread
Telegram official channel: Telegram
Medium page: Medium
Twitter page: Twitter
Reddit: Reddit
Phone Number: +852 800931931

This article was written and published by Leviathan.007
My Ethereum wallet address: 0x817378Bc2f833d5Fd0037bD3eE079FA3F8d29F7