Why do social networks attract us so much and are they so safe?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #crypto2 years ago

Remember, we used to write letters to another city and send them by mail? We did not have the opportunity to write to relatives and friends in an instant.
Social networks have given us the opportunity to communicate with friends, relatives and previously unfamiliar people, regardless of distance. We have the opportunity to find friends of interest, share photos and videos.
Social networks provide an opportunity to find any information of interest. Wanted to learn a foreign language? There are many opportunities open to you for this. Just ask a question of interest, and you will find many interest groups, articles, videos.


Social networks have long ceased to be just a place for entertainment. For many, they have become a place of work. Yes, and the promotion of products and services is difficult to imagine without the connection of advertising in social networks.
This is not a complete list of positive facts related to the influence of social networks on our lives.
Unfortunately, the advent of social networks has given rise to new types of criminal activity. A form of fraud has become very common, the purpose of which is to take over an account in order to steal contact and social information or manage an account to submit information on behalf of the page owner.
Social network web3 Solcial does not require you to provide any personal information about yourself when registering. Only public wallet address. Your account will be protected by a seed phrase of 12-24 words. Agree, picking up 24 random words to hack a wallet is a fantasy task. Only the owner of the wallet, knowing this phrase, will own his account.
Web2 social networks oblige us to provide personal information when registering.
Would you give the platform information about yourself if it were possible not to do this? I think that many would take the opportunity to remain anonymous for the platform.
Cases of theft of confidential information have also become more frequent, the disclosure of which can damage a person's reputation. Solcial will not use servers, gateways and HTTP protocol, but will use new decentralized data storage technologies - P2P and IPFS. The purpose of these technologies is to prevent data leakage and theft of personal information.
IPFS (Interplanetary File System) is a peer-to-peer decentralized file sharing network, where a block is an independent unit transmitted in the network. A block can contain both a part of the file and links to other blocks.
IPFS provides the ability to back up files and websites across multiple nodes, and aims to change the current operation of the Internet based on centralized servers into a fully distributed network using P2P and blockchain technology. That is, IPFS is an open source protocol where you can store and transfer data in a decentralized network from user to user.
Summing up the above, I can say that modern life is impossible without social networks. They opened up many opportunities for us and created many new problems. One of the most pressing problems is related to data leakage. Thanks to new technologies, Solcial social network will securely store user data in order to prevent stories that happened on web2 social networks.

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Blog: http://blog.solcial.io/

Website: https://solcial.io

Email: [email protected]


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