What convert should you do with your cryptocurrencies

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

I worked for many years in trading stocks and currencies (Forex), so I have been always interested in the rate of different currencies. It is the same thing with cryptocurrencies.

You and I have plenty of cryptocurrencies here and there, and to manage them effectively, you should know some tips as I will share with you here.

First, look at the watchlist to compare those currencies between them:


Then take your wallet to know how much you have in each currency, per example:


Then calculate the worth of each currency in your wallet. It is a simple multiplication for each one: the price in the watchlist times the value in the wallet.

After that, you have to consider which one has the best ratio. To do so, many options are offered here, per example:

1- the liquidity (the volume in transactions and the circulating supply)
2- the momentum (the price is it going upper)
3- the technical graph tendency (is it going from bottom left to top right)
4- the change rate (is it positive for some days in a row)
5- the conversion rate about your currencies (is it the same cost, higher or cheaper)
6- your faucet is connected to which one.
7- your wallet is transferring under which rules.

I will develop in detail those aspects in some other posts.

Any questions, make a comment below, I always answer...