NOIA - An Efficient Content Delivery InfrastructuresteemCreated with Sketch.

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)


Nowadays, internet has become a necessity, not only as an information medium, but as a means to share all kinds of information in real time with people around the world. However, in order to make this possible, it was necessary to implement a technology that would make the contents arrive faster to all users.

However, these technologies are expensive and, since they are the only means of transmission, they sometimes can cause delays or even drops of Internet service worldwide for considerable periods of time.

In this report we will see how NOIA offers a novel solution to create a network layer that will improve the delivery of content in a more efficient and less expensive way. Avoiding delays and internet drops.

World Wide Web (WWW)

We all know those acronyms, and most people I know would tell me that it is the internet and they will immediately think of Google or YouTube. Well, they are not entirely wrong, however, these three letters represent a system of interlaced hypertext documents, which are stored on web servers and can be viewed with a browser (such as Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Safari, etc). This is general knowledge. Nonetheless, it is important to keep this in mind for a while.

When you want to see a web page (hypertext document or html), you need to type the URL in the browser location address (or you can use a web searcher) and the browser is responsible for establishing a connection (as seen in the image) with the server, where it is located the web page that we want to see. Once, the connection is established, web server sends us, all the way back, the content of hypertext document. At first this worked like that. To see a web page, there always was a delay depending on the distance, the speed of the connection, network traffic, how congested the server was, and even more, the delay was incremented if the document contained images.

Imagine the distance that this information should travel (thousands of miles).

With the evolution of technology, the web pages evolved, became dynamic. So you could hear sound, watch videos and flash animations. But this made the pages even heavier and, therefore, slower.

This is where the CDNs appear, to solve this problem. CDN is a content distribution network (as indicated by its acronyms), that is, it is a conglomerate of interconnected and distributed servers in several parts of the world, generally within data centers (facilities equipped to keep computer equipment or storage servers, with redundant power supplies, security and backup systems). The function of this informatics infrastructure is to store part of the information and content of the websites and serve them to the end user.

Thereby, web pages can be seen faster, since these CDNs are geographically distributed (each of these established places are called POP or point of presence) and obviously are closer than the web servers of origin. And its main function is to store copies of the websites (what is called caching) and distribute them to the user who requests them.

Two of the largest companies that account for 50% of the CDN market worldwide are Akamai and Amazon's Cloudfront.

The problem presented by these infrastructures, in addition to the cost for their service (200TB transferred monthly would cost approximately $ 30,000 using Akamai); this is due, obviously, to the maintenance and updating costs of each POP. In addition, they are systems that work under centralized schemes, that is, in theory if the central node is damaged, the entire network would fall. As it is the case of Amazon, a few months ago, when for a human error during the maintenance of their equipment, they made the Internet went down for more than 4 hours (See article).

For this reason, today I come to present NOIA, a decentralized ecosystem based on blockchain technology, which offers a more efficient and less expensive content distribution layer; thus, offering a totally novel solution.


NOIA, is a decentralized content distribution network, based on the blockchain, which takes advantage of bandwidth and unused storage of all computers connected to the internet (PC, laptops, servers, etc.) to improve the delivery of web content in a distributed, efficient and less expensive way.

This makes it possible through a P2P (peer-to-peer) file sharing protocol along with artificial intelligence algorithms, which turns each computer into a POP of web content delivery. Creating a decentralized network that improves the delivery of content in many aspects, including cost.

One of the peculiarities of this network is that it covers more distances than conventional CDNs, since it reaches places where the Internet is scarce. Thus, improving the performance of the internet.

Source: White paper

The architecture of NOIA is not made to compete with existing solutions, but rather to offer an alternative for hosting any type of CDN content or service.

Unlike conventional CDNs, its decentralized approach allows it to be more stable since it does not have a centralized point of failure.

The blockchain technology allows NOIA to create an autonomous economy over the content delivery. The NOIA token will incentive participants to share their space and bandwidth resources, among other things. The owners of the websites and the hosting services will be able to buy NOIA tokens to acquire the content delivery service.

NOIA Business Case


The applicability of NOIA is unlimited, since its architecture and technology allows any web service to use the NOIA system (CSL JS Library) to distribute its content through the decentralized network of NOIA nodes.

As mentioned above, the NOIA system does not intend to compete with the large companies that offer CDN services, but it will function as an optimized distribution layer to complement the CDN services, even as a distribution support system if necessary. Since NOIA greatly improves the way to deliver data through the internet, decreasing the bottlenecks.

NOIA ecosystem features allow adapting it to any data transfer system, in a friendly and simple way. No need to change the existing infrastructure and without any risk.

NOIA is easy to configure, both in Workers nodes and in hosting and web servers service providers.

NOIA can deliver any type of content: HTTP (web), FTP (file transfer), IPFS (decentralized storage of files), audio and video streaming, image hosting among others.

This means that hosting services and web servers can implement NOIA immediately on their platforms and start paying only for the content delivered successfully.

Use cases

Standalone solution

NOIA serves as a solution for small web content providers, as it is cheaper and does not require any additional equipment installation. NOIA is a ready-to-use platform, which facilitates its installation in hosting services.

NOIA reduces hosting costs since the amount of data transferred by the hosting provider are lesser because the Workers Nodes are responsible for constantly delivering the content to users, making the web server save on data transfer.

Undoubtedly, NOIA will make the provider's service much faster and more efficient globally, thanks to its network of nodes and its CSL architecture.

Additional layer to existing CDN solution

Most large and medium content providers use CDN services, since they generally transfer more than 100 TB per month. For these cases, NOIA offers the perfect solution to optimize and improve delivery worldwide, especially in those places where the Internet is low or almost scarce. Reducing data transfer and therefore, the cost spent on CDN services.

Thanks to its CSL architecture, if the content is not stored (cached) in the Worker Nodes, the requests will be redirected to the nearest CDN. In addition, NOIA can predict network traffic and offer content caching resources, so it serves as a backup layer to existing CDNs.

In the following image you can see how NOIA serves as a backup layer for Amazon web and Cloudfront services in a transparent manner.

Source: White paper

Content distribution layer for decentralized content hosting

NOIA can also serve to deliver content over decentralized services such as IPFS, Sia, Filecoin, Storj among others. Most of these services offer web hosting in a decentralized manner, however, NOIA network can improve speed and efficiency by delivering content based on network traffic and the location of the users that issue the requests globaly.

In the following image you can see how NOIA serves as a content delivery layer for a decentralized scheme.

Source: White paper

NOIA Token

The NOIA ecosystem has its own native token, NOIA token (as mention before), ERC20 compatible and will define the autonomous economy of the system.

NOIA token will be used for:

  • Define the value of the data transfer corresponding to the content delivery, therefore, a NOIA token will represent 5 GB of data transfer.

  • Network Governance: Master Nodes will be rewarded for their work and will use the NOIA tokens to define their reputation and participate in the governance of the network. Master Node will be penalized monetarily in case of performing malicious work and will decrease its reputation within the system, being able to be eliminated from it.

It is important to note that each Worker Node will have an implementation of a NOIA Wallet, so they will be able to receive and transfer NOIA Tokens; Being an ERC20 compatible token, it will work just like an Ethereum Wallet (being able to backup and recover).

The flow of NOIA token value is determined by buyers and sellers in the market. Buyers are all those businesses that need content delivery services and must purchase NOIA tokens to pay for the service. The NOIA system will have a smart payment gateway, through which the NOIA tokens can be purchased for dollars or Euros. On the other hand, vendors will earn NOIA tokens by running the Workers Node application on their computers, but the earnings will be estimated depending on the resources shared by their equipments (storage space, bandwidth and availability). However, it is estimated that the initial earnings could be approximately USD 50 per month.

NOIA has already established partnerships with private investors, such as Blockcrafters, Blockwater, Invictus Capital, which resulted in soft cap of $4m already reached. Token sale date and other details are to be announced soon.

NOIA’s Technical features

NOIA’s architecture

As we can see NOIA is formed by two layers:

  • Governance Layer. Layer responsible for defining the distribution of the NOIA tokens between the nodes and the participants that makes up the NOIA ecosystem. This operation will be based on the programming of smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

  • Content scaling layer (CSL). Represents the backbone of the NOIA system infrastructure; which combines the proprietary protocols of P2P file sharing and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, responsible for handling requests, caching web content, establishing the best routes for delivery and anticipation of network traffic.

Governance Layer (Smart Contracts)

The Governance Layer is a set of smart contracts executed in the Ethereum blockchain (written in the Solidity language) and is in charge of managing, automatically and autonomously, the transactions and payments in NOIA Tokens.

Its two main functions are the following:

  • Allow customers (companies and organizations that require the content delivery service) to purchase the service and keep track of the amount of data transferred or to transfer through the service, which are calculated in NOIA tokens within their wallet.
  • Reward the Workers Nodes. The governance Layer will program smart contracts to calculate and transfer the amount of NOIA tokens earned by Workers Nodes. These are calculated depending on the available bandwidth, dedicated storage and node availability.

CSL Stack

There are two ways to implement CSL in NOIA:

  • CSL Cloud Controller. Centralized model, where there is a central entity that controls other CSL systems, which control the Master Nodes and these have control over the Worker Nodes

  • CSL DAO Concept. Decentralized model, with a system of autonomous governance over other CSL systems.

Initially the NOIA ecosystem will be launched using the centralized model to ensure the security of the network. When the network reaches sufficient maturity, the platform will be oriented towards the decentralized approach.

Hierarchical Structure of the CSL

Source: White paper

CSL Cloud Controller

The CSL Cloud Controller is the main element of NOIA system. It is responsible for ensuring the quality of service (QoS), authorizing Master Nodes to comply with the requirements of the governance layer, determining the amount of NOIA tokens to guarantee the level of performance promised to the operators of the websites, balancing the load of the Master Nodes using artificial intelligence algorithms, predicting and anticipating network traffic; as well as control the duration of content stored (smart content caching).

CSL Master Node Client

They are responsible for:

  • Implementation of the content scaling commands:

    • Initial caching of the file in CSL: When? Which nodes?

    • Additional caching of the files in CSL: Which nodes? Which files? When?

    • Deleting the files from the nodes’ cache: Which nodes? Which files? When?

  • Request handling / pooling

  • Load balancing Worker Nodes

  • Fastest route discovery

  • Submitting performance metrics to the Cloud Controller

The master node initializes all these processes, however, the Worker Nodes are responsible for executing them.

It is also responsible for instructing the Worker Nodes to download the content and store it or remove it from the cache, depending on the number of requests that this content has.

All the metrics received from the Worker Nodes are sent to the Cloud Controller, to feed the artificial intelligence algorithms and optimize the content scaling process.

CSL Worker Node Client

The Worker Node client is an application compatible with Windows, Linux and MacOS. It allows any person to rent their free space and their bandwidth to act as POP within the NOIA ecosystem. Remuneration will be compensate in NOIA tokens

The Worker Nodes, as we have already seen, are responsible for doing the heavy work, that is, downloading and uploading the web content. The Master Node is in charge of indicating what content they should download and where they should redirect it. It also tells them when to delete it.

They are responsible for:

  • Implementation of the content scaling commands

  • Downloading and caching the content from the source

  • Sharing it with other Worker Nodes in the network

  • Delivering it to website users

Worker Node Client

CSL JS library - Server Side

CSL JS Library is an open source application, which must be installed on the web server so that it can use the NOIA system and the CLS Cloud. Its main function is to forward the requests to the Master Node, so this could determine which Worker Node is closer to the user and deliver its cached content.

In case the information requested by the user is not stored in any Worker Node, the Master Node will indicate to the CSL JS Library, so it will download the content directly from the original source and deliver to the user.

Content Scaling in NOIA Network

Source: White paper

Basically it works in the following way: when a user enters a website, whose content is managed by the NOIA system, the CSL JS Library passes the user's requests to the closest Master Node (selected by the Cloud Controller). The Master Node verifies if the content is in the Worker Nodes closest to the user, if so, the Worker Node will be responsible for sending the content to the user; otherwise the Master Node returns an empty list and CSL JS Library is responsible for sending the user the content directly from the web server.

Benefits of CSL

The CSL technology establishes a content scaling network that is completely different from existing market solutions, both centralized and decentralized.

Among the benefits offered by this technology are:

  • CSL allows storing content for a limited time depending on the demand of the content. Thereby, it optimizes the space shared in the Workers Nodes.

  • Artificial intelligence algorithms allow CSL technology to predict and optimize routes and traffic network. Likewise, they allow predicting the demand and popularity of the content (files, images, videos, etc.) using information from social networks

  • The service is scaled through the network of dispersed nodes globally and adapts to the conditions of location and number of requests.

  • The amount of data transferred by the web server or hosting service is substantially reduced since the Workers Nodes will be in charge of continuously providing the content requested by the users. Therefore, CLS allows hosting services to save large amounts of money in data transfer and reduce internet bottleneck.

All these CSL benefits allow the NOIA system to increase the reach and efficiency of content delivery.


Undoubtedly NOIA offers an incredible alternative for content delivery, more efficient and much cheaper than the other ones. Since most of the CDN market is held by 2 large companies and their prices are significantly high, NOIA is the alternative for small web content providers, due to its ease of use and it is not necessary or change the existing technology nor acquire expensive equipment; also allows to transfer any type of content.

NOIA can also function as an additional layer for existing solutions in the market.

And definitely a good investment, not only because of the quality of the service offered, but also to incentive all users who decide to share their resources of their computers that are not in use (storage, bandwidth and availability) with NOIA tokens; ensuring an entry of money for the common user.

I am already part of NOIA network, and you? What are you waiting to start winning NOIA tokens?


NOIA Network Explainer

NOIA comparison with different CDN solutions

Source: White paper

NOIA Network Token supply distribution


NOIA Network Use of funds



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Wow! Coming out of the gate with a bang for the NOIA network reviews. I think you did a fantastic job. ReSteemed!
One thing I noticed that I think is a bit challenging from a reading perspective as well as visually is the repeating of NOIA with the link inserted. When writing anything, particularly a review it's understood that we are reading about a particular topic. Now if you sourced different parts of the website with each link that's a little different but you don't have to repeat NOIA so often. I am not trying to be mean here, I am just trying to give you a tip to write a bit more professional review that will get us as a group great attention.

I think you did a great job otherwise. You had good separation of paragraphs and thoughts, great images and organization as well as included lots of information such as the folks behind the project. I did get some ideas for my review while reading yours so thank you!

I agree with you on the repetitive linking of NOIA. Overtime, I just started following the @OriginalWork protocol. I got use to it. Seems like you understand the two basic protocols for citation- direct text / facts and ideas. Steemit has got me bracketing citations even in this case where the topic is understood to be a review.

Hi @cmplxty and @jadams2k18

Coming out of the gate with a bang for the NOIA network reviews

I love your positive energy :)

Now if you sourced different parts of the website with each link that's a little different but you don't have to repeat NOIA so often.

Im not sure what do you mean. Would you mind trying to explain in different words? I would also like to learn something. Does Jose use word 'NOIA' to often in his review? Is that what you're trying to say?


Yeah that’s all I am saying. When we are reading this, we know that we are talking about NOIA. I would limit saying NOIA to once per section. That’s my personal opinion but it looks a bit more organized. The reader is aware of what we are talking about so we don’t need to say it as often.

It was otherwise a great review it had lots of great content.

Hi, mr. @cmplxty. I appreciate your comment.

Im trying to get inside your mind to make you dream of NOIA! hahahah...

Nah.. Im just kidding...

That's the way originalworks likes their work, so I tried the same thing... And in a some twisted way, I really like the way that highlight the product name... I guess it's a matter of opinions...

Thanks for your comment

Ah, I’ve never submitted anything for original works before I wasn’t aware of that. Thanks for the clarification.
I certainly had it in my mind!

Wow! I said it. Your 'vibe' must be very rare was the reason @crypto.poitr nudged me to check your review out. Thanks Poitr. And I appreciate these efforts piled together into one powerful effort here @jadams2k18.
I have no regret taking my time lying down in the bed reading each word to the heart. I have upvoted this to encourage/$upport this quality piece, have shared it and am following your tail to read more of your style of detailing crypto world unambiguously as research deeply further and share.
This piece shows you dedicated a lot of time to garner knowledge and idea as per NOIA PROJECT and its entirety. I am actually new to the Crpto world. I am a writer whose jobs are to mostly go fiction so you can see the vast space between this world and my profession ah ah... (Thanks to @crypto.poitr for breeding the interest in me.) But in spite. I understand every bit okay enough for a starter. Kudos...
But I have some disturbing questions for you or anyone who's the know-how or the knowledge to respond to:

Up ↑ there, you wrote and I quote
"...whose content is managed by the NOIA system,..."
Definitely you mean not all contents (at least yet) are managed by NOIA in currency. But what I want to ask is that how far can one rely on getting the input and output achieved using the NOIA worker node as unavailability of either could or might cause disappointment for the user?
The second question is that could Worker Node be in the near future made much more portable and accessible as made into mobile apps for mobile devices to run or would it forever remain with laptops, desktops... on Windows...?

And for you and other readers, I guess this information would help inform you the more on NOIA ICO:
"The company planned an ICO for its tokens during the first half of 2018 and Alpha testing 'had began' the second half of the same year. NOIA Edge, a dedicated access point to the NOIA Network server will be launched in 2019 and then the company will continue development during the year. It is expected that the platform will leave Beta and start to be officially open during 2020."
Much love, keep making sense.

I must say WOW! Quite a long comment

Mr Emilis Klybas (NOIA's Telegram administrador) said to me:

You see, the main purpose of NOIA is utilizing unused resources, which makes it perfect for households. At the moment, I don't think that people have excess amount of mobile data, as mobile data plan prices mostly depend on how much of data you use. There are already lots of unused internal storage on mobile phones though. So to answer your question, for now we are not addressing mobile phones, but this is very possible in the later future, once bandwidth on mobile phones becomes unused too.

I did not get the other question... If you please explain it better Im sure I can find out the answer

Thanks for your time mr. @jodekss

for now we are not addressing mobile phones, but this is very possible in the later future, once bandwidth on mobile phones becomes unused too.

Good to know

:) Smiles.
What do you expect a statement comment when you wrote a quality review that epic?!
You have answered the second question dear @jadams2k18
Hope to reel more of you.

damn. one of the best comments so far @jodekss

Thanks very much @crypto.poitr :)

Comprehensive overview of this new token and its use case! I am intrigued to see, that here, the talk of Internet 3.0 provided by the blockchain really touches the core functionality of the www, not higher layers as Social Media etc. Didn't think it was targeted for it neither, but this review certainly showed that blockchain can be used at any level. A concept to follow for sure!

Hi, mr @conceptskip.

Certainly, blockchain is a great technology and I'm sure more amazing projects will come. But there is something that I realize, that they should combine efforts between projects. I am sure that many could benefit from combining blockchain solutions.

Thanks for your comment

I imagine that there must be a constant process of evaluating the performance of the nodes. Reassigning capacity, monitoring data collection, is all part of the evaluation process of node performance.

You say that you are using your application on your computer with optimal performance.

The team in charge of developing the alternative CDN of NOIA must use a very complex logic to show those representations so elaborated with this multimedia flow, since the option of storage of content in cache must be discarded.

The fact of using the bandwidth and the idle storage that is available online, is not a new idea. There are many companies that already do it. Maybe with different purposes. But in general, all the contribution that can be made to the strengthening of BIG DATA, will never be sufficient. Like the distributed computing capacity.

It really is a very valuable initiative from NOIA.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge friend @jadams2k18

I imagine that there must be a constant process of evaluating the performance of the nodes. Reassigning capacity, monitoring data collection, is all part of the evaluation process of node performance.

Well, Master Node will take care of evalute Workers Node performance, I guess and If not, Cloud Controller has to(you've better ask NOIA's tech support).

You say that you are using your application on your computer with optimal performance.

Yes, Im using NOIA's app. It's not difficult to install. And no complain on my side

The fact of using the bandwidth and the idle storage that is available online, is not a new idea.

Yes, there are others project with the same idea. I tried implementing IAGON app, but it was too complicate for me (imagine that! so it's not for an non-tech user), and at the end I had to uninstall it.

Thanks for your comment mr @creativeblue

Your receptivity never ceases to amaze me, appreciated @ jadams2k18.

It shows a clear analysis of my comments and their answers are very valuable.
I feel very honored for your consideration.
Thank you very much.

I will be looking forward to future publications related to the crypto environment.

Congratulations @jadams2k18!

Your answers to @creativeblue are amazing and well thought out!

You have a great knowledge and research capacity ...

"No wonder, for a Multi winner of the famous contest OW"

Support your Criterion; Apart from Iagon, I also knew a storage and data transfer company that uses the available bandwidth of CPU and smart devices of the user, it is called Bandz ...

I still wonder: What will be the strategy of NOIA NETWORK to impose its brand in the digital market? Will it be through the power of your Token? Will you think of a customer compensation campaign by preference?, or maybe Will your advanced technology speak for itself and make it prevail?

In the same way I wish the best of luck to NOIA NETWORK, your project is really promising and we are promoting your initiative with our work.

Thanks for your attention...

Would you say that there is another blockchain project as practical as this one?

Many blockchains still (i.e. early days) envision their efforts leading to an all-in one solution or new internet. But, few actually take a hard look of how to incorporate technology for the most pressing needs of the markets.

I completly agree with you @machnbirdsparo

NOIA is so far one of the most practical project using blockchain technology.

@jadams2k18 It's really great that you replied in depth (Your reply on Master Node). It clearly shows that you have done great research on the topic. It's very rare.

Great work man.

I completly agree with you @machnbirdsparo

NOIA is so far one of the most practical project using blockchain technology.

wow. that's like one of the best comments I've read today so far @creativeblue

will definetly follow you closer as we seem to share many similar interests


It is beneficial for all lovers of the crypto environment to be aware of the new releases. All the new initiatives are not, in practice, what they promise in their ICOs.

Only by sharing our knowledge and experiences can we achieve growth together.

It is a pleasure for me to exchange comments with people as educated as you.

You are absolutely right right @creativeblue about the developing team in charge of the CDN but I am very sure they will do what is right to develop NOIA.

This is really nice
Am astonished
NOIA will provide what is needed, than the existing ones.
This would be a competitive market for NOIA.

Hi! mr. @uraniumdavid, thanks for passing by

It's is a competitive market. However, NOIA has a different approach, functioning as a support layer for large CDNs, both for centralized and decentralized schemes.

I pray for better days too

Have a nice day

Thanks for making me understand the concept

This is the most comprehensive review about NOIA. Weldone @jadams2k18. @crypto.piotr told me about your review and I thought I should check it out. I will leave an upvote for you to support you.

And I will personally thank @crypto.piotr for his zeal to encourage steemit blockchain related writers. Let us support him!

Hi @focygray

I absolutely agree. Jose seem to always create quality reviews and I only envy him his writing skills.


Great review! NOIA seem to be very promising as it provides a lot of solutions that will be useful for all of us, everyone using the internet. We should all consider promoting and investing on it, especially at this stage.

We should all consider promoting and investing on it, especially at this stage.

@xhevat Agree with you my friend. Early adopters always get the benefits.

I am already on it. Just need my account to be verified.

I am already
On it. Just need my account
To be verified.

                 - focygray

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

good to see you're still here @xhevat :)

I absolutely agree. NOIA is so far one of the most promising projects I came across in cryptospace.

ps. do you use telegram? I just installed it lately and I love it :)

Good to see you around @crypto.piotr! You have been so active so far. And I must say that your contribution is so valuable for all of us. You are very much in to cryptos and it is very kind of you that you are always willing to share information with us.
To your question, I still do not have any telegram account. I will open one soon.

Im sorry for such a late reply @xhevat

Past few days has been very busy and I didn't have a chance to reply to all comments.

Try to open your account and add me: @crypto_piotr

I would love to get to know you closer. Hope summer in Kosovo is amazing this year :)


Thanks for your vote Mr. @focygra.

Mr @crypto.piotr has a great vision and I suppose this is a way to help all of us in steemit and keep this type of network alive


And we are just starting. Horizon is bright! Cheers.

@focygray.......@crypto.piotr is a great man who loves to support people and I haven't regretted knowing him. @jadams2k18 is one of the greatest writers I respect so much when it comes to exploring blockchain.

I also love your write up about Cotton Coin... Nice one bro... Keep it up 💗🙌😀

One of the best reviews I've read on Steemit - great work!

I notice that you are writing a bit about the cryptosphere - Maybe you would like to earn some more by becoming a Trivial token analyst?

Basically, I want to create some up-to-date reviews of the more popular tokens, focusing on fundamentals and usage.

To build it out, I am crowdsourcing the initial content, and getting in touch with a few bloggers from Steemit who analyse crypto. I'd be delighted if you considered writing about a token that interests you, and will pay $70 in ETH or STEEM for your time and effort . You'll be free to publish on Steemit as well, so you can also earn whatever post earnings you get.

More details here:

you're everywhere @sroka87 :)

Damn right - trying to catch all the best!

Thanks mr. @sroka87. I'll write an email to you soon.

Hi @jadams2k18, I have been following you for some time and noticed that you create very quality reviews about various crypto. However, this time you created something even more phenomenal.

NOIA seems to be one of these projects which aims to revolutionize its industry. They don't want just to extend their business but have innovative vision which can distrurb the internet known to us. They have really serious competitors, because biggest companies such as Amazon and Google work in Internet distribution industry. However I strongly believe that NOIA combined with blockchain technology, may become serious game changer.

I have to say that after your review and my own research I became a huge fan of NOIA :)

Greetings, Jan

Hello mr. @neavvy. Thanks for your comment.

I sincerely agree with you, NOIA is a game changer

Good morning @jadams2k18

Im first one to leave a comment and show my little support. Upvoted already but I will read it later as my bed-time story :)

I've did some research before and Im quite familiar with NOIA. This is definetly one of those projects worth attention as they are solving REAL problems and coming up with REAL solutions.

Expect my another comment soon :)

Yours, Piotr

Thank you Mr. @crypto.piotr!

I'm looking forward to it

Lols... Funny @crypto.piotr.... This will enable you to have more time to read this great post.

First of all I would like to appreciate for the article that you had written, the article itself is showing your hardwork :)

Well to be very truthful I'm not interested in the things that are related to HTML or coding. But this project is dragging my interest towards it.

The solution they are providing for the problems is in a very great way.

Definitely this project will be very huge in future :)

I want to appreciate your time, efforts towards these post.

Have a great day and wonderful night 😊😊

Thanks Mr @freecrypto!

In deed it's a great project! And you can get reward by just let some of your idle space and cpu idle time and of course your internet connection, through NOIA Node app

Have a great day too

@freecrypto.... I am very happy that you also noticed @jadams2k18 effort to come up with such a very high quality and quantity posts. I hope other Steemians recommend people for their effort just like you did.