Locations Accepting CryptoCurrency Growth Sine 2014.

I Personally Don't Think the Numbers are Very Accurate. There were locations accepting crypto going back to 2011.
The original blog post said zero for 2013. Still the graphics show the growth of Cryptocurrency worldwide. I am super bullish for Crypto!
Great visualizations showing the growth and geographic spread of crypto acceptance by merchants.
This is something we know has been growing, but awesome to see the visualization of it!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Yeah i also appericate with you about thats matter.
its growing faster then ever reaching the sky we will se moon will also accept crypto currency and yeah dont take it funny :p
Asia is still to accept the cryptos while the west has adopted vastly looking at the pics great it will be interesting to see the growth in the upcoming years
Your map ignores Africa, I can confidently say a lot of West Africans, especially nigerian youths have gotten into crypto. Many just for free airdrops, but some are traders and investors as well.