My story: Bitconnect failed but I haven’t given up yet in crypto currency lending!

in #crypto7 years ago

Okay so some people may call me a fool, but I never liked my mother much anyway. I entered the world of crypto currency and lending platforms (bitconnect) a couple weeks before it crashed and burned. Great timing, huh?

Fortunately, I only put in $120 to start with. My dad who is also interested also chose to invest in binconnect. We had a good couple of weeks of reinvesting before boom, it was gone. I had (thanks mainly to affiliate bonus) amassed a grand wealth of $200 in active lending. Why didn’t I cash out my lending wallet balances and sail of into the sunset with this new found wealth you may ask? Well, I had high hopes of a good 12 months in bitconnect like everyone else but it wasn’t to be. Overnight my $200 investment turned into 0.56 bcc worth approximately $5 at the first time of logging back in since bitconnectscrewedmeintheassgate.

Now one my think, after such treatment to my tush by a lending platform, that I may be tempted to walk away with my tail between my legs, in disgrace. But no, I’m not. And I’ll tell you why. Because I’m a fool. No wait, because I’m a dreamer I meant to say (what’s the difference though really?). There is nothing wrong with being a dreamer, even if one thinks you are foolish. After all, how can one really achieve their dreams without some foolish dreams? Hard Work? Naa, that sounds too much like hard work for me. Instead, my newest ideas include another lending platform called Davoe. Now, some people may call this almost self harm and to be honest I wouldn’t blame you. I am very possibly going to lose whatever I put into this platform, foolishly. But I will only putting in what I feel is a small amount. Part of one weeks wage to me that I will not miss at all and go from there. I do however, strongly advise anyone reading this post not to lend on this platform. If you do THERE IS A HIGH CHANCE YOU WILL LOSE YOUR ENTIRE INVESTMENT. So please, think twice before you do this.

But anyway, back to my self harming, where was I up to? Ah yes, Davor! So, I have just embarked on a foolish venture into Davor and I will see where it goes (who am I kidding, I know where it will go). I will however post how it is going, through the whole process of gaining my daily interest, to reinvesting, to high hopes before the next inevitable screwing. I may be foolish, but at least it’s not hard work. Davor...I’m coming for you, please be gentle, I’m still sore.


Thanks for reading. This is my first ever blog on any platform. Let me know any tips you may have as they would be gladly received.