The best way to think about Crypto markets, investing and how to earn by trading (in theory) :D

in #crypto7 years ago

Hi Snipers :) Dan Here!

Today is going to be Fundamental Theory Update Day :)
Credits to this analysis must be given to Andreas Antonopoulos. I heard the concept first from him :)

I hope everybody is already familiar with Darwin's theory of Evolution. If not please Google/Youtube it :)

Online trading of assets has given society an Evolutionary system to select the best of the fittest to cost the most, right?
Therefore each $ you allocate to a token or a coin = a vote of trust.
Actually -> the BEST vote of Trust!

You might be thinking you are a well trusted person, but nobody has given you Billions of $ in order for you to develop a life-changing technology, right? :) Otherwise you wouldn't be reading this blog :)

So Andreas Antonopoulos claims and many agree, that investing money is the Best way of expressing trust towards somebody!

So what are the conclusions/take-aways:

  1. Follow the smart investors - they lead the constant redistribution of Trust in the system

  2. Bubbles are the normal mechanism for redistributing money to the smart investors

  3. and Bursts are the normal mechanism for smart investors to redistribute the capital towards the undervalued tokens

  4. Try to emulate the thinking of the Smart Investors, they are ALWAYS rational by their own terms, you just don't understand them.

  5. Smart Investors invest ONLY into ROCK SOLID TEAMS Longterm!

  6. Smart Investors WILL ALWAYS SPECULATE in the SHORT TERM! -> Don't Stay long after an obvious PUMP!

  7. Look for undervalued teams, which haven't had media coverage recently, but will have in the short future!

  8. NEVER stay long at a "even slightly" suspicious asset!

Snipers Out!
If you want me to make videos about those topics, please upvote :)