Shitcoin of the week updates: Tasty rumours

in #crypto7 years ago

Bonjour mon friendos,

It's me Crypto Beak, and I am giving you an update on how dem shitcoin of the week's are doing.


I told you fuckers to buy it at $1.13, and I hope you fucking did, because now it is $2.34.

The plan is still to hold it until fight night, but there are some interesting rumours flying around. Apparently an unknown gambling company has paid over $3 million to advertise in the corner over where mayweather's head will be when in between rounds... Is that STOX? Who the fuck knows, but it seems like it could be. I am going to be buying the PPV and watching from the very start of the undercard to try to get a first glimpse at what the gambling company is (and I will obv update you cunts on here as soon as I spot it). If it is not stox I am going to sell the moment I see it, if it IS stox then prepare your moon suits because we are going in the fucking rocket. In this case I won't be selling until the fight is underway. Either way I will not be selling before the day of the fight,OR after the fight. I think this is the sweet spot to exit this trade.


I recommended this little beauty at $1.30 and it is now $2.68... MOON

As I told you in the video, I am holding this coin until I am resting in Valhalla regardless, but there is some very good news on the horizon for BNB.

  • Firstly they are about to start charging fees, great news as 20% all profit will be used to buy and destroy coins.
  • Secondly, they have the exclusive rights to the TRON ICO which seems like it might be one of the biggest in history, so everyone who wants in will have to sign up for Binance and make them (and us) some monies. (I am going to make a video or post here about it soon, so keep your beady little eyes open for that).
  • Thirdly, you can get in earlier to the ICO if you use BNB, meaning that tonnes of whales who want in on the ICO will pay a shit tonne of money for BNB. Congrats fuckers, we are all going to be rich, I will not be selling
    this coin for a long time.

Follow me on here RIGHT NOW and subscribe to my youtube and send me donations and I will speak to you all soon.

CryptoBeak out.


Its must be STOX buying the advertisement!
A possible next shitcoin of the weak?

I fucking hope so pal. That actually looks pretty interesting, will check it out and get back to you.

Have you had time to review this coin? One bloke just did a video on it, I think we might be on to something here.

Edit: well I bought some, hope it goes well, I think it is till the end of the year hold.

Edit2: Apparently the tokens on Etherdelta were not listed by the team :/
This is something people must check out before buying on etherdelta, I estemate the price of ZRX to be around 0.1 when it hits the exchanges for real. they raised 10m and there are 100.000.000 tokens.

I managed to get out.

Do you plan to sell a portion of your binance for TRON? Keep the videos coming cryptoshi- I mean beak

You cheeky fucker. I have been researching it but I have not made a decision yet, I will make a post on it over the next few days. Are you going to buy some TRON?

Are you going to have to kill me now?

I pulled an all-nighter for the sale, only for it to be postponed 6 hours from now; I'm just about ready to keel over and die. (I share the same timezone as the Chinamen). That being said, I only have about 0.1 btc on binance atm, and I don't really know anything about TRON. Will be interesting to see whether they can pull of an ICO sale smoothly, and this time you don't need to be loaded for a chance to be early on it.

Who knows though, maybe it'll drop like a rock and be worth too little for my bag of rupees

This is only the warm up session though, there is more to come.

I think you will do ok for some quick short term gains, it is going to be ridiculously fucking hyped up, that is for sure at least.

I await the new wave of TRONmarines.

On a side note, I can actually read the basics of the whitepaper; but I stopped paying attention to my Mandarin classes when I was 8.

I'm also tired as hell so I'm having quite a bit of trouble to translate it for you fellows who don't speak in moonrunes. Will let you know once I'm done


What's your sell point for BNB? I'm hoping for a good rally this week to where I can sell and move some into stox to sell during the fight and then move that into the ICO you shilled for yesterday's video. I just started trading with an initial of 1k & about to breach 2k soon enough but if this all works out a cheeky stag like yourself deserves a good tip you sexy fucker. Cheers

looool if this all works out a cheeky stag like yourself deserves a good tip you sexy fucker <3

I am probably going to hold some binance long term but I am hearing rumours that the price is meant to pump when they introduce fees tomorrow.

I would hold onto at least some of them for the long term moon mission my man, but overall your plan seems legit. I am not going to be holding STOX after that fight though, I am looking to sell on the day of, or during, the fight FYI

Beak check his twitter, he is promoting another ICO.

Does that mean he won't be shilling STX on his mcgregor fight?

Should I keep buying STX? Price is still hovering in the $2-$2.5 range.

I saw, rumour has it that the logo will be displayed in the corner though. I am going to be watching the undercard to get a look at the ring asap and see if it is displayed, will update here immediately.

I would stop buying now I think.

Also what is your thoughts on ICO?

Will check it out tomorrow and make a post about it for you boss.

Heh, I'm pretty sure you have more money than me boss.

This guy makes some pretty good weekly ICO summary/reviews:

I highly recommend checking him out.

Nice, will do. Thanks friendo!