Urgent Petition. Keep Superior Coin Off Public Exchanges

in #crypto8 years ago (edited)

michaelqtodd • Aug 3, 2017 • Category: Crypto Currencies

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The only bad thing that can come from this is that people will lose money. I have a plan to stop that.
Not content with stealing our Facebook page and posting 2 weeks of crazy messages from there yesterday Nathan Senn mailed you with bizarre propoganda and lies from the stolen Crowdify database yesterday. Whether you had purchased Superior Coins or not.
Of course this is massively illegal.
He is not working alone and in fact no damage would have been done without the support of his co conspirators.
Anyway I have an important message today as I am determined that people will not lose money as a result of all this.

  1. We must all work together to make sure that Superior Coin never reaches an exchange
  2. I have made a petition go here now
    It is vital that anybody with any sense of responsibility sign and share this petition immediately.
    Nobody will lose money here if people keep calm and look at the facts and do the right thing. I have literally hundreds of documents proving my 100% ownership of Superior Coin I have shown you these again and again. Nathan and is team have shown nothing. My lawyers ( I now have 5 different firms working on this ) will not let this go I promise you. Ever.

Nobody will lose money. Sign the petition. Notify the FBI and notify exchanges
Thank you



Lmfao. Why would anyone help you. All you did was throw temper tantrums like a child, and block anyone who confronted you. If I saw a wolf that was attempting to dress up as a sheep, I would trust it more than I would ever trust you. I would rather burn $1,000 of cash, over giving you another $1 to get your scammy "Not So Sure Coin". You don't act like an adult, but you technically are one. You didn't know how to build s coin and these are the consequences. You send out these "updates" and "cries for help" yet you can't even take the time to proof read them and correct the many spelling errors you make. Literally, I would rather give a blind/deaf 5 year old money to build a coin over you. You get one chance to build trust in an already skeptical crypto currency market, and you blew it. Deal with the facts, which are that you're not as smart or as savvy as you think you are. You say you've offered "proof" that superior was yours...you haven't. The only thing you have left is Crowdify, and honestly, that pretty much sucks too. Think about going to work for Starbucks...people will give you a shot to make their coffee, I'm sure of it. As far as any future in the crypto world....you're done. Forever.

Well said.

You get your new superior coins? They've gotten more done in the past 2 weeks than michael did in 4 years. Still not sure what the purpose of Superior will be though

Yes I did. Yes amazed how much has been done. Todd would always come up with excuses to delay but still ask people to keep sending him money.