Buy CREA instantly TUTORIAL
Buying CREA now is easier than ever thanks to
This simple web platform offers us a way to obtain CREA instantly using our credit card or G Pay.
The steps are the following:
Step 1
1- Indicate the quantity (in Euro) that you want to buy. If you want to calculate your local currency, you can use this converter:
2- Choose the currency you want to get in return. In this case, we will select CREA.
3- Once this is done, you will see that a summary appears indicating the CREA you will get in exchange for the amount in Euro selected.
We click on "BUY"
Step 2

1- Enter your Crea network username. This is the username used to connect to and the one that will receive the CREA coins.
2- Choose the payment method you prefer to use. In this case, we will select “Debit / Credit Card”
We click on “CONTINUE”
Step 3
In this step we must include our personal information with the data requested in the different fields to be filled.
We click on “CONTINUE”
Step 4
We will check that all the information we have included is correct.
We must accept compliance with the terms of service and the privacy policy.
We must confirm that we own the Crea address provided.
We click on "BUY"
Step 5
In this last step we will simply include the credit card information that we are going to use for the payment, we will select the country from the list and click on “PAY” to confirm the payment.
You're done! Now you have your CREA in your wallet. Don't forget to energize them to get the most out of them!
Que espera creary de los usuarios @creary ?
Hola @giocondina, ¿a qué te refieres?
al contenido que busca y espera de los participantes @creary
Creary es una plataforma descentralizada en la que los usuarios mismos son quienes deciden los proyectos más valorados y la evolución de la propia red.
According to the Bible, Why is there death if there is God? (Part 1 of 3)
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