Centralized vs Decentralized Exchanges - Which ones are better?
📊 Find out the Pros and Cons of Centralized and Decentralized Crypto Exchanges!
🏆 My Favorite Decentralized Exchanges (No Affiliate Links!):
IDEX - https://idex.market/
EtherDelta - https://etherdelta.com/
Airswap - https://www.airswap.io/
Kyber Network - https://kyber.network/
🤝 Get funding for your Crypto Business: https://www.bitbond.com/?a=4BYBSNF4FN
💰 Sign up with Qryptos and receive 3 Qash Coins for free: https://accounts.qryptos.com/sign-up?affiliate=Zx8R-hlp146116
(No deposit necessary, you just need to verify your account)
💚 My EOS Address: 0x7eE1A2C29F44CB119Ba931cD195341ffca269875
💚 My BTC Address: 1Dg5fdu3RjsRGVtW9iqjYqhHjkn1q3SV2m
💚 MY ETH Address: 0xa5AdfE6e2b95b9F0627c50382b0E9aB9C3a6d85C
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Keywords: centralized vs decentralized crypto exchanges, best decentralized crypto exchanges, list of decentralized exchanges, comaprison between centralized and decentralized exchanges
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Me trying to use Decentralized Exchanges 😅

Haha that sums it up perfectly :D
nice one, upvoted!
The concept of Decentralized Exchanges is great but at the moment they are a pain in the ass with all the downtimes...
Well the decentralized exchanges lack on usability and mass adoption right now. I hope that we will get a great improvement with the nex exchange. The team looks very promising ;)