Day 5 – Whatever screwed up your planning deserves your full attention a little while longer

in #crypto7 years ago

Day 5 – Whatever screwed up your planning deserves your full attention a little while longer

Too often, we run away from road blocks or even worse, we just sit there and wait for someone else to find a solution. What works better is to dissect the original plan – all of the ideals and delivery expectations - then compare your list to what actually happened. If you can pinpoint where in the chain things broke down, then you will have a better understanding of where a solution can be found.

Sometimes only a few things are truly broken. Once identified, you can actually chunk down the items and find alternatives to patch up the holes. Remember that it does not have to be perfect rather each function needs to be evaluated as to how much its bells and whistles increase the true value to the project in exchange for all the headaches and energy expended to make it so.

You need not re-start completely from scratch either. By understanding all the components necessary for the true function, you can focus on getting those pieces working one at a time. Re-evaluate as each piece comes together BUT don’t stop taking action while you are waiting for all the pieces to magically fit together instantly.

Lesson 5: fix the blocks one at a time

  1. deleted plugins which compromised true value of project
  2. established post categories for front-end users
  3. created five crypto accounts which will be for user rewards
  4. created ideal lists for each project on the road map
  5. read three chapters of the Internet of Money

If we blindly turn our backs when things get a little tough, then breakthroughs will never happen. Only with a real understanding of what gives our ideals strength can we find solutions that matter. It is never about having just another pretty site. You gotta do something that actually functions and creates value to all that hit enter.

See you tomorrow.