Too good to miss out. Bowl strikes again!

in #crypto8 years ago

If I am right, that is. But if I am, weekend could come as a nice crown to the week.

Here it is, plain and simple. Cup shape (but I prefer the term bowl, it sounds more like coming home to me and that is what this reminds me of anyway) on low end.

I picked it up as soon as I saw this picture at 3121 sat and from what I can see, it is highly unlikely that it will fall under 2900 - 3200 sat support (passed that test twice already, would prefer three times, but still..), although it might test the low end of it. If that happens I will get some more and I expect the same thing to happen as with XME, BLK, XRP and NXT. Just not sure of the time it would take to get there. Day, two? We`ll see, I have patience.

Just to be clear, your risk, your decision and your liability. Cheers.

Thx @dev from CL crew for heads up.
