Internet Kill Switch is Real, and why some Crypto Users are Paranoid.

in #crypto8 years ago

The View of Blue Collar Allstar....
I am no Lover of the Government. The Idea that they have the power to shut down the internet because of its centralized nature should be reason enough for web companies to begin Person to Person internet development. Hopefully, the future of the internet has a similar freedom index to the future of money, decentralized and autonomous.
Jeff Berwick has certainly laid out a scenario in his videos where corrupt central planners hit the "Internet Kill Switch" and all Crypto Currency and Block Chain Technology is lost. Poof.
In this video I will explain why I don't think this is likely in spite of the propensity of governments to do EVIL SHIT. Thanks for watching.


I listened to your blog on internet kill switch. When the banks Fail, Internet will be turned off. Other excuses will be given, probably the boogyman Russia.
Bro, they will come for you guns... Your one against a team of SWAT? you do not have a chance. Military personal follow orders. Even if its Marshal Law.
It is that bad!

Bundy was killed, shot down in the snow in front of his whole family getting out of his truck.
The US people are weak over weight cowards they will never stand up for anything not even them selves. Chick-shits that only bomb schools, churches and hospitals.
Down with the US and EVERYTHING it stands for!

So We agree on more than we disagree on. Fear is not one of them. BTW did you just call me fat? Props if you did. Please separate the Government from America. Freedom is a process and the process is working. It would be great to find some utopian place on earth but it doesn't exist. This is where we are at this time in space. Freedoms have been diminished. People are managed like livestock and the struggle is real. Your referring to Levoy Finicum? I believe he was very clear about one concept....There are worse things on earth than dying. I believe he overcame that fear in what he perceived as a stand for freedom. Fear and materialism are the two control mechanisms used by central planning. Now Flash back to bundy ranch when 3000 armed citizens organized against the blm and stood them down. I know quite a few Police Officers and I grew up with a good many Veterans. 911 happened when I was 21 and Oklahoma sends many of its sons to the military. Vets are some of the most woke people I know. You know I don't like the g-man but usa inc. is not Merica. Excellent points you make

no i did not reference fat to you.
my mistake about Levoy not bundy.
When the government want's to take bundy out there is not enough couragous men or women left, so I think you are mistaken of your attempt to stand against them.
Your cop friends will not jepardise their pay cheques or pensions... Don't rely on them.
I disagree about Vet's knowing anything? They are cowards for not saying no and fighting in any of the wars.
I would be ashamed to ever call my self a Vet.

Wow. Do you know any vets? They usually wake up government haters. They usually realize that they did some bad shit when they were order followers. The reasons they go join up is complicated. They are usually statist because of bad education. They usually don't come for families that can afford to send them off to a good university. Not only do they believe in the USA rah rah bull shit but they believe that the only way they are going to get out of the lower middle class and in so many cases abject poverty is to go to college. The GI bill is shoved down their throats by recruiters the last two years of high school. They are young and impressionable. The only mistake they make in the process of making this decision is being young and impressionable. How many 18 year old boys have any clue about the real consequences of war or the geopolitical causes of those wars? A healthy 18 year old is thinking about fucking her right in the pussy and doing bad ass shit. Have some sympathy because they didn't make any decisions to cause that war and they are humans. Once they process what they have done and their fighting is over, 25 of these vets kill themselves everyday. For someone with health in your user name you might consider this: How healthy is it for you to lay out such inexperienced views? How healthy is it to be so judgmental of other humans when you don't understand their journey. It's easy to project hate because it doesn't take any real effort or thought. Most of these men are just trying to find forgiveness. They are in real pain. To call these men cowards.... I just don't think you live in reality. be well.


She wants you to look at her tits and have a beer. I can only speculate at this point but I think she's American. And if this speculation is true.........GOD BLESS MERICA