💵 Possible Coins That Might Beat Bitcoin In Price

in #crypto7 years ago


This is a list of coins that actually stand a good chance of overthrowing bitcoin because of their adoption rate and what they offer.


The classics Z cash is still the best when it comes to anonymous. There is also huge speculation now of a team taking it over and really going to town with it. The adoption rate of ZCL has been quick and continues to flourish as one of the most trusted cryptocurrencies that are truly decentralized.


My go to lately but still needs some seriously work and for people to seriously start to get over trying to recover their lost coins. As crypto land states you are ALWAYS at risk if you don't not hold your funds in your own wallet so stop being a bunch of cry babies if you lost your funds in someone elses wallet!

If these 500,000 coins get injected back into the system be prepared for a flash crash something ethereum does not need right now. My hope is we move passed this and for people to man up and realize its their own mistake and lets start pushing forward with some real projects for ethereum.


What can I say bitshares has built a massive community and with more companies and people jumping on board and how easy it is to setup your own coins under bitshares I see this one as being a major contender as it will be easy adoption with a smooth clean interface that is getting easier to understand.



Ethereum has already surpassed bitcoin in daily transactions, and I think once POS is implemented and inflation is reduced, ETH's price and market cap will eventually overtake that of bitcoin.

my man my man I can't wait for POS and just sitting there and earning money lol

thank you for your info.
I started to be interested in bitshare, thanks to this post of yours.

No eos?

Not yet research behind the maker of EOS worries me greatly lol

block.one or dan larimer?

Bitshares is one of my favorite coins ever!!!

Informative post to you put up. Notice a few in choices Bit Shares and Ethereum are good picks. Not really to familiar with Z-cash. Have a tiny stake in monero which is also private. I doubt Ripple or Litecoin will be worth more than Bitcoin. However they seem to both be way under valued currently. Maybe they will all make us some decent money and become part of our daily lives in the future.

I really doubt that ZCL can beat BTC, because it won't be developing any more.

ZCL forked with BTC into BTCPrivate,which definitely can be a big threat to BTC.

It beats BTC and other BTC forks in almost every aspect.

Also, it has been one of the biggest gainers in the last week (considering top 100).

It surpassed Verge, ZCash and I believe it'll surpass BTC Gold by the end of the day.

Next one is Monero.

They've got a great team and big plans, plus it's really undervalued.

Interesting you mention ZCL, as it recently forked with Bitcoin into Bitcoin Private. Doesn't that change the outlook?

I got litecoin at first, and then changed to Neo, and then put it all into Iostoken which is going up huge. Someone said there was a correction coming for Iost but I don't know what a correction means; any ideas?

Hello, I have ETHs and BTS too. They seem to have a decent potential, even though there are too many BTS in the market.

What do you think about NeoScrypt algorhytm currencies?

yes indeed everything is possible hopefully the future of those coins will be great. and thank you for sharing.