A Walking 'Private' Bank: Bitcoin NFC Wallet Chips Implant
Martijn Wismeijer, a.k.a. "Mr. Bitcoin" is a bitcoin ATM maker and, to me, a cool biohacker. Wismeijer has profound interests in bitcoin as well as hacking. And when you put these two interests together, these are what you get...

Walking 'Private' Bank
There are two NFC BTC wallet chips underneath Wismeijer's skin, literally. And they aren't for fun only- Wismeijer has used his NFC BTC wallet chips at point-of- sales payment nearly 50,000 times over a year now. This essentially makes him a walking ‘private’ bank.

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When Wismeijer was asked about his chips implant decision, he commented that:
"... if bitcoin is banking without banks, and at the same time, you know, the banks are not going to keep your bitcoin safe... So you'll have to put that private key somewhere... "
While Wismeijer may not be the very first to implant similar chips under his skin, he is certainly not going to be the last either. More and more people are getting fascinated with these extreme technology lately... And would you try it some day?

Red Bull Hacking Proves Much More
A recent Red Bull vending machine 'hack' done by Wismeijer and his team, has prove that BTC payment method is applicable to a lot of everyday things.
The hack was pretty simple. All it took was to add one of the bitcoin computers kits (that are made for Robocoin's machines) into the vending machine. Thus turning it into a BTC-accepting one.

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Hence, anyone can buy Red Bull via a swipe of bitcoin card (or a wave of hand). This simply shows that any conventional carding system is replaceable by bitcoin's.

The Plastic World
Rome was not built in a day, and bitcoin has made a lot of progress over the last few years. The future money has surpassed the conventional carding technology and more.
Even though the world still runs on plastic today, but very soon, users may eventually move on to become a walking 'private' bank- whether literally with NFC chip embedded underneath their skin, or with an NFC-enabled piece of costume jewelry.
Listen to more related podcast here.

Knowing that no one pleases everyone and there is a flip side to every coin, including Bitcoin. Whether you agree, agree to disagree, or the opposite, do not just take my words for it, be sure to look it up.

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