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RE: FREE Tokens!: Indorse Professional Social Media DAPP Announces Airdrop / Crypt0 Reads Your Comments!

in #crypto-news8 years ago (edited)

Thanks for letting us know Omar. I had no idea i was entitled to some free stuff. xD One bit of criticism that I have though, you promote using steemit for a great spot to check news, like content, and potentially get paid for doing so...yet you don't seem to be doing much of that for yourself other than posting your videos which we all love dont get me wrong. It seems like you ignore those who are upvoting and commenting on your steemit posts by not replying or upvoting great questions or statements on your posts. Again, i've been a long time subscriber of your youtube channel since I got into cryptocurrency nearly a year ago..I'd just like to see more reciprocation for the steem users that have made you thousands of dollars by reading and upvoting your content


Truth revealed on old tv show, many people still ignorant...!/v/ragetester/6xicf9st
Feed the government!
Or was I looking for a different f word?