EOS Grinds To A Screeching Halt Due To Major Bug

in #crypto-news7 years ago (edited)

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I am right there with you on laziness. I would have posted a picture but my lounge pants are embarrassingly raggy :-)

PS: Will keep my EOS for a long time ....................

LOL you, sir, get my full vote. Enjoy your day, brother!

Thanks man! Have a nice weekend :-)

It is a bit disappointing but I think of EOS as in Beta currently because I do not believe there are many major Dapps running big volumes of transactions at the moment so there is still room for finding fixes and improvements. I also think that the coordination efforts were positive despite the signs of centralization which everyone already knows about. I think you should get someone on the show to discuss the experience in this development, like @lukestokes whom I have read would be willing to talk with you. Thanks!

I'd be happy to join a show with @crypt0

Let be patient guys! 😎

Heard you mention Game Informer and they just had an article about Blockchain! It is everywhere!

That's right! Where else can you wear lounge pants and get a full day's worth of work in? Only in Cryptos... another reason to join.

Long term HODL though on EOS. With the rush of the blockchain being launched, you almost have to expect them to have some bugs in the software.

I'm just planning on holding tight for a while and letting all the bugs get ironed out before I make a decision on what to do long term. I definitely think EOS will be huge in the future bar a major issue with the blockproducers.

In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.

Not a fan of EOS. I pref ETH and ZIL
Great post though!

Chilln like a villan!

Hopefully EOS gets their stuff together, because my EOS 'Stache is NOT happy with all this falter for how much money they raised.

Dang I am holding EOS! By the way I love your 1 min vids you should do more!

Hodling tight. I'm certain that the explosion will happen within the next 6 months.