God's promises are meant to be enjoyed.

in #cross13 days ago


While we wait for God to work in our lives, let us ask Him to help us grow in faith and patience.

3 As His divine power has given to us everything that pertains to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and goodness, 4 through which He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world caused by lust;

2 Peter 1:3-4

God's promises are impressive, they are beautiful, that is, they remind us of God's desire for our good, it helps us understand that God really cares about our lives, in turn all this fills us with hope and encourages us in the most difficult moments of our lives.

When contemplating God's promises, we must first take into account two very important aspects: first, faith and also patience. Faith consists of fully trusting in Jesus Christ as our personal savior, as our substitute. And after this, we rely on those promises and there is an action in response to that faith, which is patience, since at certain times God's work takes time; it is God's plan and not ours.

There are times when we wait and for us that divine promise is not being fulfilled. When that is happening, let's turn again to the word of God and look for the answer, let's verify if we are applying this required faith, if we are really convinced that this promise applies to our life, reformulate our request, let's remember that we must ask for what we need and it is not convenient to ask for our own pleasure only. God's promises are conditional, we can only access them by faith.

Reviewing the situation, examining the word, examining ourselves, learning to ask, all this undoubtedly helps us to develop and grow spiritually, this is the fundamental purpose of the Christian life, after this everything else is added, we get to know our Lord better, we fall more in love and we learn to depend more on his love and grace.

Let us not forget that the Holy Spirit is always in the middle, He is acting through the word, in those difficult situations where it seems that there is no hope, the Holy Spirit strengthens us and helps us to wait patiently to receive the promises of God. DO NOT DESPAIR!!!.