Uncritical absorption of information can be dangerous


Good. I'm back to critical thinking. I'm listening to a great audio book on the subject and I've learned a lot already. I also suggest to all of you to start learning how to think critically because it is very useful. It is perhaps the most important tool and ability of a person that he can develop and use, especially in today's world, which is full of everything and everyone, and where the truth is being hunted.

Now I understand why I had so many problems in my life, both mentally and physically. This is because I was absorbing information in a non-judgmental way. When I say critical thinking, I don't mean just criticizing something, but considering a topic in a critical way, that is, asking questions, using logic, looking for arguments and evidence. And it is not as difficult as it seems at first. We have that ability by birth, and we have the right to it by birth. We just need to use it, learn and improve in it.

So, I myself made a lot of mistakes because I absorbed information quickly, uncritically. Unfortunately, almost our entire culture and civilization is based on it, so it should not be surprising that so few people think critically. You shouldn't even blame them because they didn't have a chance to find out about it. Just look at the media, all that marketing, it's all based on imposing something and so that the viewer accepts the information uncritically, that is, to bypass the critical part of the mind. And what actually happens next when we accept information uncritically? It happens that information is entered into our system, but which is not well processed or digested properly. So what happens inside us? This information can create chaos in us, it can create a conflict in ourselves. That's why we're not doing so well. That's why we feel so bad today. It is my opinion. The second scenario is that this information is superficially adopted, and then serves only as our "decoration", that is, the reinforcement of our mask, our false self. In the end, that superficial information can be discarded.

Generally, uncritical acquisition of information is not useful at all. And it can even be dangerous. Because if that information is harmful to you and the environment, you can become a real ticking time bomb, be it on the energy level, be it physical, be it verbal. It turns out that almost everything around us is based on hypnosis. Hypnosis is supposedly a way of "self-development" where the critical part of the mind is bypassed, and a suggestion or affirmation is placed directly into the mind. I personally no longer believe in the effectiveness of hypnosis and that it is actually a good thing. How can it be good? You bypassed the most precious part of your own mind, which actually makes you human, and allowed some information to enter, which can be good or bad, and can also be illusory. In fact, the process itself is pointless and insane. No need for that.

Soon there will be elections here in Serbia. I don't follow politics, but I happen to see election campaigns of certain parties on billboards or posters. It says on one election list "circle number 4", on the other "Serbia must not stop" and "Strength is in the people". It's a completely wrong and freaky approach to everything. It is the hypnotic introduction of some passwords and commands into the human mind. There is no critical thinking, no dialogue, nothing good. I believe that in the beginning all that should be crossed out and not voted at all. This is not a good way of conducting politics and communicating with people.

So, my advice to you is, start learning how to think critically, because it's very healthy and useful and it's not that difficult at all. Go ahead and be brave! :)