Dear America: We Gotta Talk About the Pushback Against Those Researching Human Trafficking (aka Pizza/Pedogate)

in #crime8 years ago

"If you're catching a lot of flak, it's because you're over the target."

That's an adage I've heard more often in the past month than I have in my nearly 40 years of existence. Second to it is this:

Remember me ranting not that long ago that answers would be awesome instead of being silenced? Well, those hellbent on keeping America ignorant kicked it up a notch. And, like the Streisand Effect foretold, people have noticed.

The thing is, we're trying to inform America at large that if something like this, human trafficking, is being wiped from the internet so shady shit can keep happening, that those citizens absolutely need to be aware of who they have voted for being complicit in the subjugation and torture of other people. And not just adults, but infants and children. What does it say about a society that turns a blind eye to the most helpless of us all?

If you don't believe in Pizzagate, fine. But I challenge you to answer me this: If systematic human trafficking isn't a thing, then why is there a concerted effort to wipe evidence and investigation efforts from the internet? If someone like Alex Jones can rant about aliens, why does the topic of pedophilia and human trafficking get a shitton of pushback? If it were a non-issue, no one would care, thus no one would really pay attention to it. Hell, any "journalist" worth their salt would use it as a springboard into decent reporting. Ben Swann is the only "mainstream media" journalist with the testicular fortitude to actually mention Pizzagate on air, without dismissing it as being debunked tripe. And since that report aired, he's been very quiet. Ordered to not rock the boat? Or silence as a preventative to keep guilty parties from getting wind that their asses are grass and Trump's the lawnmower? Inquiring minds want to know.

The point being that most topics don't get pushback or censorship toward those discussing and investigating such matters. I think its a fair point to make that reddit shitcanned r/pizzagate, but kept r/pedofriends. I think that right there speaks volumes about the brand of censorship Americans endure without even knowing about it.

Side note: America has been deliberately dumbed down and spoon-fed shit to keep us from critically thinking. Remember a time when Discovery Channel and TLC had educational programming, like all the time? Now every damn channel has "unscripted television" because drama = ratings. Keeping America informed is not a priority. We can see this play out with scripted news.

Here's an exercise. Please, follow along for yourself and see the lengths guilty parties will go to cover their tracks.

Go to Enter the term "pizzagate" into the search box and see what you get. Here are my results.

Note the third link, the one to Voat. It's for 'new' posts only. Not the whole sub, but just that one tangent. If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you'll see this:

DMCA is filed when someone discovers another has been distributing their property without permission. So, when you click on the DMCA notice, something weird happens.

The DMCA is all about anime. Yeah. Fucking ANIME. I got tired of scrolling through all the links, so I plugged in "pizzagate" after pulling up the magical "find in page" box ( F + ctrl)

Now, ask yourself this: Why was a DMCA notice regarding anime engulfing v/pizzagate which has nada to do with anime and everything to do with human trafficking?

Now ask yourself:
Why was Monica Peterson killed?
Why was Nancy Schafer killed?
Why was the husband of Georgia assistant attorney general-- one in charge of prosecuting human trafficking-- double tappedin the chest while his wife worked on a case against Bill Clinton?

Do you find it odd that those researching --or having ties to those researching-- human trafficking are silenced?

If you find it odd that there's a huge pushback for those investigating human trafficking and pedophilia in our elites, then talk about it. Find ways to bring it up in conversation. Personally, I like chiming in about the Franklin Cover Up's role in the Iran Contra/Ollie North shenanigans when people talk about fake news; it's easier to inform someone when a precedent has been set.

When Tom Brokaw failed his journalistic duty to inform America that the "call boys" were shipped in from the Midwest and were barely teenagers, thus trafficked, and instead focused on the financial aspect that egad, credit cards were used TO PURCHASE UNDERAGE SEX SERVICES FROM TRAFFICKED CHILDREN, it set a precedent that mainstream media is in collusion to keep the scope of American human trafficking on the down low.

Those complicit in human trafficking know that decent folk hate kiddy-diddlers. As in, the kind of rage that inspires chaos and uncertainty for those engaging in it.

We need to make human trafficking a thought in everybody's mind; that it happens all too often, and those leading our country are:
a- trying to stop it
b- ignorant of it
c- complicit in covering it up
d- actively engaging in it.

Since there's decades of evidence supporting the notion that people in the government know about it and will not stop it, one can surmise that it's a significant number who fall into categories c and d.

When large companies such as Google use their power to quell search results... when DMCA notices are filed for topics not relating to what's listed in the notice...when people are killed for asking questions... one has to consider that it stopped being coincidental long ago, and to pretend there's no smoke and no fire is to enable human trafficking, including the rape and torture of children.

Open your eyes America, if you won't open your ears. Get mad, enraged, and channel that anger into activism. Have the conviction to stand behind your beliefs. If you believe wholeheartedly that child abuse and human trafficking are crimes against our most fragile humanity, then talk about it. The more we talk about it, online and off, the harder it is for them to push our discoveries into the shadows. Eventually they will have to face the waltzing, raping elephant in the room unless they want an uprising. The more they try to quell the citizen's investigation, the more wood they dump on the fire. Do they even realize they are stoking an inferno that compares to Centralia, PA?

Odds are that every single one of us knows somebody who was sexually assaulted as a child (whether they informed you of it or not; point being that it's too fucking prevalent) and that in and of itself is reason enough to speak out about silencing discussion of sex assault-- because that's what abusers do to hide their crimes.

I suggest using the following hashtags:






Please, speak out about the topic. There is safety in numbers, and the more we talk about this, especially offline (where it's harder to censor) the better. Discussion is how we build interest and put pressure on those in power to make blunders and show their hand. If we can birddog them into fucking up, then let's do it.


About time somebody started asking questions about Nancy Schaefer. I posted about her over a month ago and all I'm seeing are people harping on the same stuff not even related! Upvoted & followed

Won't let me share on my twitter....???

MandiReiSerra Mandi Rei - Author tweeted @ 03 Mar 2017 - 20:11 UTC

Hey, America... can we have a badly-needed conversation?… /
#FridayFeeling #HumanTrafficking #NoPartyNoCorruption

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

i'm blocked from using twitter .......... again