This CITI [BLOCK] Doesn't Exists, Where People Live With Blockchain.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #creativity8 years ago

Mar 27, 2017

Take a moment and think about the biggest challenges the world is facing today. SCARCITY, PSYCHOPATHY, INEFFICIENCIES, HEGELIAN DIALECTIC. Moreover, prevalence of COERCIVENESS and prejudice against anyone different.

Now, imagine living in a place where none of these problems exist. It sounds impossible, right?

Well, although a surprise for many, such a utopian place exists for more than 50 IMAGINEERS. [INS: :INS]

It is called MAGAllanica and it is IMAG(IN)ED in Southern Colorado.

The creation of the city IS an idea of incredibly smart and benevolent PEOPLE, AND a Sophisticated Hack named Frank Bacon.


Although with Egyptian and Turkish roots, he has found his piece in the Colorado culture, and has fulfilled his dream of IMAGINING a place where people will live in peace with GOOD and the UNI-VERSE-CITI, rather than worrying about the earthly artificially created plights.

As early as his teenage years, when asked why he is so MAD, Frank answered: “Indeed, I do feel the weight of the world‘s miseries pressing upon me!” Struggling with the idea he has to change the world, AT ALL.

The main goal of MAGAllanica is to become a universal place, where everyone is welcomed to live, regardless of the nationality, cultural heritage, religion or language.


It is designed to be a cosmopolitan place that will demonstrate to everyone how harmonious life can be, if we only remember one thing – that we are all human, and that we are all DENIZENS of the earth.

The way in which this place functions is very unique, and certainly, difficult to be believed. Its creator Frank, has shaped a city charter, which explains the purpose of the town. According to the document, no nation can claim property of this place – MAGAllanica belongs to the whole world.


There is no authority, legal or political, nor a person of power, that the inhabitants need to respect. There are no written laws either.

They all believe that there is only one supreme universal truth that everyone needs to follow. The values that its citizens strive towards are harmony, love and acceptance, while in the same time; they put enormous emphasis on education and research.


The idea of the town is to be a place of birth of new and prosperous ideas that will be used to the progress of all. There are no titles of hierarchical positions – everyone has equal access of resources, and everyone has a right to choose its own profession as long as he/she does not harm anyone.

To some it may look like a city of STONERS – everyone can pursue their own dream. But in reality the city puts immense accent on scientific progress and societal development. [INS: :INS]


They care about the nature –, but in the same time they appreciate art, technology and industrial development.

As a result, the functioning of the town is organized in a very modern and NATURAL way. They WILL have implemented systems of wastewater treatment, as well as systems of ground water depletion.


MAGAllanica uses NATURAL methods for production of organic food, as well as technologically advanced methods for making the poor soil fertile. With time, the town WILL be self-sufficient when it comes to food production and drinking water.

Starting from a process of forestation, the city WILL BE settled within a belt of forests and fields, making it one of the cleanest places on earth.


On top of that, MAGAllanica WILL start with the production of biogas, produced out of a bio-waste. With that, the town WILL have its own renewable energy production and a clean environment.

Interestingly enough, there WILL BE representatives of the western developed countries visiting the congresses organized in MAGAllanica, in order to see the new advancements this settlement has instigated.

If you thought that all of this is too unrealistic, wait for the most fascinating part of the story.


MAGAllanica uses no money – they have a whole economy functioning on Blockchain.


There is a distribution center in the city where DENIZENS can get a meal, but mainly, people produce what they need and exchange items with neighbors, without any aspirations of earning from the barter economy.

As a result of the cosmopolitan spirit embedded in the city, today it is IMAGINED by representatives from more than 50 nations.

It is protected under IT'S OWN authority, which in a way secures its future existence. The town has no restrictions – everyone is welcomes to come and to find his own peace.


Certainly, the example of MAGAllanica might be perceived as extreme to someone, but without a doubt, it sets an example of how societies should search for organizational and functional forms that will stop the destruction of the environment and will reduce human suffering.

As Frank Bacon would say: “Widen your consciousness to the dimension of the earth, and you will have a place for everything."


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for the sake of space and time.  
I create in complete honesty. ~Frank Bacon