Daily Routines Will Increase Your Clarity And Creativity

in #creativity9 years ago (edited)

One thing is for sure, having Daily Routines Will Increase Your Clarity And Creativity
which leads the way for self fulfillment.

On a subconscious level the mind works continuously,
while we are awake, and while we are asleep.

Has anyone ever commented on your sleeping patterns...?
Perhaps your a sleep talker, walker or restless sleeper...

The subconscious mind never rests and is always actively working to control
our life functions from the digestion , blood circulation, heart beat to the decisions
we make on a daily basis without knowing. It controls all the vital processes and
functions of our body and knows the answers to all our problems, the things we
don't share in the conscious world are replayed whilst we sleep on a subconscious level.

In other words, what goes on internally, even unconsciously, eventually becomes your reality.
We can under estimate at times how powerful and yet sensitive our body and mind is.

Through seeking out answers to questions i had, i made a breakthrough in the understanding
that our subconscious mind will translate into the physical world, by the most direct and
practical method available the thoughts that we think about everyday day.

Basically you can do, have, become whatever you want as long as you hold the thoughts long
enough and believe In yourself when others don't.

To sum it up, the goal is to direct our subconscious mind to create the outcomes we desire.

For example If you want to lose weight visualize yourself at your ideal weight, the clothes you
wear, how it makes you feel, the joy it brings. Visualization is a powerful tool that we have,
write down your goals daily and look at them, carry them with you.

Many fail to realize or even understand the power we control by having the ability to tap into
our subconscious mind to unlock connections and solutions to your projects, goals and problems we create.
how do I tap Into this resource....

Ten minutes before going to sleep make sure you have no phone with you, we don't want the
mind stimulated with distractions and have a pen and paper close by, start by writing your goals
before you sleep each night, Ask yourself questions related to that thing.The more specific the
questions, the more clear will be your answers. Never go to sleep without a request to your
subconscious, by writing down and visualizing your goals the subconscious mind will get to
work while you sleep.

A few minutes after waking up

The brain is most attuned, after its subconscious workout , same way i got this post created
was the same method i woke up and instead of consuming content i shared what was on my mind ,
so start writing down all the things that come to your mind.

The subconscious mind has been loosely mind-wandering whilst you slept, perhaps you woke
up remembered a dream then later you forgot about, but what was left is either a good memory
or bad, we can harness this and direct our thoughts for the outcomes we desire...

Creativity, after all, is making connections between different parts of the brain,
once we understand this then we can start optimizing our mind and body in the direction we desire...