Uploaded to welcome the holy month of Ramadan.

in #creativewriting24 days ago


assalamualaikum all steemit friends, how are you all, may we all be given blessings and health so that we can all always work on this steemit platform, tonight I want to share a post about the moment me and my friends had this evening.

This evening my friends and I held a post to welcome the holy month of Ramadhan 1446 Hijriah with the theme of returning the old togetherness of the special A1 class, for the place we booked at the Wakomed cafe which is located in Lhokseumawe, North Aceh.


This event was presented by our class president and I was appointed as the event leader. After completing the Maghrib prayer we immediately rushed and brought some of the necessary equipment.


When we got there we briefed for a while while waiting for friends who were a bit late, thankfully it didn't rain tonight, at first we were starting to worry because the weather was starting to drizzle because the place we booked was an open place, if it rained we wouldn't be able to continue our event, and it wouldn't be possible to look for another place.

Maybe that's all I can say, thank you for all your attention, sorry if there are any shortcomings, I hope my friends like it and see you again in the next post.