What things should always be kept secret?

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• Personal life: You should never share your relationship problems or secrets in public. It protects your personal privacy.
• Financial Status: Avoid giving details about your income, savings, or debts etc. to others. Financial confidentiality is required.
• Family problems: Problems within the family should always be kept private, as bringing them to the public can create turmoil in the family.
• Future plans: It is better to keep your long term plans and goals secret. Unnecessarily sharing them with others can damage your plans.
• Personal opinion: You should not always share your opinion especially on social and political issues. Keeping some opinions private helps preserve environmental peace.
• Donation or support: Helping or donating to someone should not be disclosed publicly. Giving in secret is a form of magnanimity.
• Emotions and Vulnerabilities: You should not always reveal your innermost emotions, fears, or weaknesses. Keeping them secret helps preserve your mental energy.
• Some health problems: While it is important to discuss medical issues with the family, some health problems should be kept private if they cause stress in public.
• Sadness and depression: Your emotional state, especially if it is negative, should not always be shared with others. This can sometimes make the situation more complicated.
• Confidential information or trust: If someone trusts you with some confidential information, it is very important to protect that confidentiality. Relationships are built on trust, and leaking confidential information can damage that.
Keeping them secret can make life more beautiful and orderly.