Lens on life

in #creativewriting6 years ago

Hello to you and welcome.
This is my first time posting on Steemit, so be gentle...
I'm a very new community member, but so far I've been very impressed and inspired with the content.
I recognize that people, everywhere, are seeking something beyond their limitations, illusive machinations of a misunderstood mind.

I've never written an article before, but with time I hope to gauge what has the most value for people. So we can all contribute to the positive growth of the community.

We all have potential and that is a form of power.
We’re constantly expending this energy in order to be. As humans we like too quantify and measure what’s about us with various tools, but what can we learn from this in response to our illusive lives?

As it seems we have been born into the mystery, but there’s one thing I know for sure.
There are far more misguiding questions to pursue, than there is attainable truth to uncover.
A famous riddle for example
“What came first, the chicken or the egg?” A simple question with an answer and a rare occurrence where the question is the biggest hint at the answer.

Which brings me to this point. Nothing is certain, or can be fixed. We must assume an awful lot, the bases of life is a voyage on our ability to estimate and adapt.
It’s uncomfortable which is why we bolster our perceptions with values and facts, in order to establish the illusion of certainty and safety.
If you focus on this, it can have peculiar effect of bringing you too self consciousness. It feels almost like a feedback loop, returning of thoughts to the thinker; aware of vulnerability and a wave of uncertainty.
Lastly a taste of the very best control we can muster.

We are always caught within this layered riddle. As a people, each one of us has the potential to bring back value from the unknown darkness, in all it’s varied forms; whether material, wisdom or imaginary.
The assumptive idea that we are in control of ourselves, also begins to fall under the iron sights of inquisition. If nothing is absolute; then what are we? And is there anything to be done about it?

Our own sensual circuity is intricately meshed and deigned within the external reality.
After all, how else, or why else would our design be anything other; but inherit from that which it has grown.
So how different are we really from this seemingly isolating material world; if it contains us? Cold and uncaring at the very surface, is how it presents itself; or does it?

Everything that occurs within us, our Personal lives, also imprints upon the outer world. Using choices and actions like brushstrokes upon our destiny; whilst being a life. We express ourselves and reality responds in kind, whether you interpret this as union or a relationship. We are never separate through the unfolding process's.
So maybe we aren’t so different.
Depending on how you answer these questions, will determine where you end up at the end of this inner dialogue.

To some these simple words may not carry much in the way of insight.
“One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.”
Reality will present itself too you as you manifest yourself to reality and in doing so. The greatest gift reside within what we call the Present moment; pretty fitting word to describe now. The communion where we and the world are one.
“If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to listen, does it make a sound?”

I guess this turned into a bit of a shotgun blast of philosophy. All I can do is present what I have and let you guys decide if you enjoy reading this type of thing and want more?
For me personally I struggle with carrying out action unless I’m aware of why we do it? And with life’s questions, it’s almost certain you might never leave the classroom; with this in mind. We’re all so very different and yet so sublimely similar, with the devils in the details.

My goal for this article, what I wanted to achieve. Is thought provoking and promoting, to be able to share in remembering that no matter what. Whether within or without, it will contain a little piece of you.
The Love, and the Lies. The Day and the Night.
They co exist in perfect harmony.
“Art thou actor or audience? It matters not both go on only toward death.”
I believe this is a quote from Shakespeare. Kudos if anyone knows.

Originality is born of New insight, it can’t be planned or articulated or captured. Perhaps maybe it’s a question of defining the form in which we approach; as it’s discovery resides in the expression of living.
The performance of expressing feelings of your past and the choices we make. So to does fate.
We cannot turn the tides of time; would you even want too?
Ultimately we all must let go of everything we've ever built, ever known.
A leap of faith we all must come too.
Give back life?
But what does it mean? What are we being shown?
"What came first the chicken or the egg?" The point of the question, is to realize that it is the wrong question.
They both contain within them the magic to create each other. The chicken comes out of the egg. The egg comes out of the chicken.
Any attempt too separate the two, shows that you don't see them as one.

Within us lies the power of transformation.
I believe when we recognize in conscious awareness, a reflection of ourselves in every aspect of the life and death of the world theater. We might respond accordingly, thus creating something Extra Ordinary. Rather than be lost in the maze of our habitual patterns of thought and behavior. Condemning the world, it’s inhabitants and anyone else who maybe watching.
To never ending soap opra’s and re-runs.

Thank you for taking the time too read this. I hope it was worth it.
Please add any view points or qualms. Share your thoughts.