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RE: Brand Spanking New Song. With 5 instrument tracks! Wooooo! CLICK IT OR BE A VERY SAD PANDA

in #creativecoin6 years ago

I liked the emo-ness of it, the chord progressions were great, my favourite bands/songs are pretty emotional rocky type stuff, I'm just a big sap (who likes to rock out a bit)!

Going on another drive was good too :) Thanks! :D

YAY for tech upgrade, looking forward to hearing all about it. Adding in piano too, sweet idea!

Haven't messed with ouija since I was a teen. That shit definitely moves by itself :( In my experiences anyways.

I'm proud of how hard you are working, how much music you are putting out and how much you are progressing <3 xo


Thank you for the kind words Miss Bowes c:
