Googly Monsters
My little lady had just started preschool and it’s been quite emotional for mama bear here haha!! I was told parents are allowed to volunteer to help, so I did (keen Mum alert!!!?) Well... I’m pretty sure I had more fun than the kids!
We worked on a cute little project called “Surrey Rocks” - which is when you decorate a rock, add a a little note and hashtag on the back and then hide them for someone to find. Once discovered, you continue the adventure and hide it somewhere new, for someone else to find. Using the hashtag, you can see how far the rocks travel - it’s amazing.
OBVIOUSLY I took the googly eyes - and here are the googly monsters, made by mini monsters. I couldn’t take any more pictures, as you’re not allowed to take pictures at preschools because of the children - but I did manage to take a quick snap of the googly rocks...
The googly monsters and now hiding and waiting to be found.
Happy Friday.
This has touched me ;-)
Ahh thank you - it’s a bit cute isn’t it :)
oh that's so adorable...
can I adopt one? I'd like to call him fraenkenstein :P
so what's the hashtag then, how will we learn of their fate?
#surreyrocks :) haha, Fraenkenstein suits him perfectly - you need to come to Surrey and find him. I’ll keep you updated with their fate. It was so much fun and the little’uns were so excited when I whipped out the box of googly eyes. I think I’ve found my calling 🤣
This is very cool. I loved volunteering at kindy.
I am doing all these things again, i have a 10 year age gap between my kids.
Some things are hard to do over, but this kind of stuff is great.
My toddler has a big collection of painted rocks, but we haven't googlyed them. That game sounds cool too.
Thank you - it was great fun :)
wow - having a 10 year age gap, how lovely (and hard work, I’m sure!)
Sounds like you guys are ready to start the game over there - would love to see one of your rocks with the googly treatment ☺️
I showed him your post, he is very keen to googly them. He has entered a googly for the week already.
He did a clay contest entry, and stuck an eye on it, and entered both contests. 😂's a minion.
I am interested to know how to tag them and leave them to be found, that is cool.
OMG I love minions, and googlies - so this is amazing. 🤗 you just need to add a hashtag (it can be whatever you like as you’re starting it!) - when found, people will hopefully take a picture and post it on Instagram / twitter using the hashtag. It’s a local thing here so there’s a Facebook page too ☺️
This might help :)
Really cute ones:)
Thank you :)