Plastic Waste Recycling
Plastic wastes are hard-to-break rubbish when declared in the soil, therefore many people recycle the plastic waste into ready-made items or to melt again to become more useful items, Here are tips you can do to save and reuse the plastic bag you get.
- As a dumpster
- Bring a plastic bag wherever you go
- Use a plastic bag to carry a swimsuit
- Store the plastic bag in the car as a dustbin or in other places (just in case there is a pain)
- Bring a plastic bag to the wholesale for re-use
- Donate plastic bags to scavengers or sellers
- Recycle the plastic bag
- Use a plastic bag for the backrest while kneeling in the garden of the house
- If you are a painter, wrap the brush to keep it moist (wrapped in plastic can keep it moist for a day)
- As a rain hat
- As a paying wrapper
- Shoe shield if running outdoors are slippery
- If you bring a cold lunch, pack the lunch with plastic so that the condensation water does not wet the other stuff
- If you want to remove the ice clot on the meat, wrap the meat with plastic for protection
- You can combine these plastic bags to become bigger bags
- As a glove when making a cake
- As a glove to remove dirt or garbage
- As a protector (from dust) of unused goods (wrap the goods)
- As a wrapper or dirty sandals when traveling