What is Satan? An Alternative Interpretation of the Story of Creation

I'm only two pages into the Bible and I already feel like I've discovered the ultimate secret of the universe. Of course, I did only buy this Bible because I believe we are living in the end times, so there is a fifty-fifty chance I've already wondered off deep into a delusion. So why the fuck not have a bit of fun with it?
If you are a Christian reading this, then you will definitely have to keep an open mind, for I'm pretty sure this theory is highly blasphemous in many regards,
To give you a little context, it was a very strong suspicion of mine that the God of the old Testament, Yahweh, was in fact Saturn, the Ancient Roman God, even before opening the first page. So it is perhaps this notion that led me to interpret the story of Creation in such a fashion. However, I have given this a search on Google and I'm unable to find anyone else suggesting the same thing, so I felt I definitely must share this.
I would like to thank @dreemit, for it was through a conversation with her that I was able to start putting these pieces together. I'm sure you will all tell me in the comments whether this is a profound discovery, or utter madness. Needless to say, it makes a lot of sense to me, or I would not be sharing it.
Two stories of Creation
I must first make you aware that there are very clearly two stories of creation in Genesis. One in which God creates the heavens and the Earth, and breathes man to life in "our" (the gods) image. Then directly after this, on the next page, it starts again with a second story of creation, the one in the Garden of Eden. A quick google search for "two stories of creation" will reveal that this is an observation many people have made and seek answers about, and perhaps my theory could provide one.
Another thing to note is that in the story of creation told in Genesis 1, God is referred to as just that; God. But in Genesis 2, in the garden of Eden, the God is now described as LORD GOD. So we have a bit of a pompous one here it would seem.
The Creation of Society
My theory is that the second story of creation, in Genesis 2, the one we all know of Adam and Eve; is in fact a metaphor for the birth of human "civilization," and what has ultimately led to the creation and cultivation of the modern society we find ourselves having to participate in.
Consider the following; if there are two stories of creation, then we do not know how much time passed in between the two. But let us presume that there was already a population of humans living on the Earth before the LORD GOD arrived on the scene.
We are told that this God placed a tree, the tree of knowledge of good and evil, before Adam and Eve. These two mentioned could very well represent mankind as a whole, for who else could their children have mated with?
This LORD GOD then tells man not to eat from the tree.
Then, we have the serpent appear and tempt man to eat from the tree.
My interpretation of this is that the LORD GOD, Yahweh, whom if you investigate, will find is known as a god of armies, conjured the serpent intentionally by placing the tree before mankind.
Let us assume, as we will have to for this theory to work, that all mankind were somewhat of a family prior to the placement of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Naked, as stated, for we did not look upon one another with judgement. We were beings of love and compassion with no ill-will in us at all.
I have already believed this for some time. I look around and everywhere I see intentional attempts to chip away at our love for one another, and replace it with distrust. So let us imagine it was a world where we did not need to play against one another in order to attain a life of comfort-- it was already there. And so we had no need to ever think of one another as foes if we had no reason to fear we would not get what we needed from life.
Until someone, or something, named Yahweh, placed the tree, which is likely a metaphor, and said unto man;
A simple word. Yet, one that they had never heard before. The most poisonous of words-- which is perhaps why a snake proceeded them.
But was the serpent really there, or is it merely a metaphor for the poisonous seed that had been planted in the minds of mankind, and that would grow like wildfire throughout the human consciousness to create an entirely new aspect of being human for human beings.
Before then, man would have had no need to ever imagine an adversarial thought. But the moment someone tells you not do something, the first thing you would think is;
Why shouldn't I?
And then from that single question, what thoughts would follow? How would that poison spread throughout the human psyche?
Why shouldn't I eat from it?
Is it for someone else?
Who? .. and why should I listen to you?
And how long before those questions led to;
Maybe I should have my own tree?
And maybe I should choose who gets to eat from it?
And then to;
What if no one wants to eat from my tree?
I will need the best tree, with the best fruit..
Which brought forth;
*He has bigger arms.."
"She has larger breasts.."
And ultimately;
*If I kill them I can take their trees for my own. Then I can have what I want."
A billion questions, all adversarial in nature, all spawned by one demand. An entirely new aspect of human consciousness created. Where there had been only love and unity beforehand, now there was fear and judgement, and so consequently suffering and pain.
Satan does translate to adversary after all. So perhaps this entity named Yahweh, the one who would have himself named THE LORD GOD, conjured the adversarial potential of humanity, by giving humans their first ever order. Something he knew would lead to the birth of a new side of man, a side that longed to give orders themselves, and that now feared to be naked, ultimately because they feared they might not have what they need from life- because others may get it instead.
This would of course mean that Yahweh is the one who infected humans with Satanic, selfish virtues. But it has been the deliberate cultivation of this adversarial part of us, that has created the society we see before us today.
This would also explain why Yahweh was so angry, and why he threw repeated tantrums throughout the old testament. He summoned the part of man that wants power, and that fears, in the hopes that man would bow to him as a leader, as a LORD god. Man couldn't have bowed before, because they had never envisioned a hierarchy in the world, as that can only be imagined through an adversarial perspective.
So when man adopted that mindset, and still chose not to capitulate to Yahweh's command. Naturally, he would be pissed.
That's not to say that I believe Yahweh to be a physical being. I do not know. Perhaps it is yet another metaphor, but this story of creation, which I will continue reading very soon, is so far sounding like the creation of the part of us we have come to recognize as the ego. Not, the creation of mankind.
Man already was good. And we all are born good. But we don't have to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil in order to learn of evil. We only need to look at it. The choice to say fuck you and eat from it anyway is ours, and ironically, it is our desire to eat from it--our pride-- rather than just ignoring it, that has paved the way to the world we now live in.
It's getting kind of late but I know that I want to think on my response a little more. Briefly though: The Bible, in my opinion, is a collection of stories, edited by man who may have been the winner of whatever conflict in whatever era.
We are all familiar with the story of Adam and Eve but not too many people know of Adam's first wife, Lilith, who was made of the same dirt as Adam, unlike Eve who was created from his rib. Hmm...
Okay, I got a little sidetracked. But if the Lord is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent then nothing is a mystery or surprise. Perhaps we're all a huge diversion from a boring existence and when the Lord gets tired of the game maybe it means annihilation for us. Maybe the devil is His imaginary friend and we're all at the tea party.
It's an uncomfortable thought, and one that I have entertained far too many times. The possibility that our Creator might not be the force for good we assume. If I were an all powerful being, I imagine I might get board after a trillion years and just start burning ants with a magnifying glass..
There are different stories, as from the Hindu religion that the Gods are having their cyclical drama, all acts included (your diversion statement reminded me on that), the Christians made out of God an architect and the Buddhists do not have a creator at all (which I find the most reasonable approach).
To me, the most important thing is what happens in my present life. After-life is not a problem, but death is. In order to face a problem which certainly will get to me as well as to those, I will accompany in their dying-process the most appealing question to me is: who has the knowledge and the professional skills in the death business? So far, all people are skilled who see dying people on a regular base AND give them the right guidance and company in a respectful and caring way. It's not easy to find this kind of person.
What a great thread of conversation!
YES. Present life... And yet death is guaranteed. I don't fear death. I just don't want to die doing anything stupid. So, the business of death is something that I am actually quite familiar with, both from a business and personal side. I was an obituarist for 7 years and many of my very good friends are funeral directors. I was also a hired singer for many funerals and when both my father and aunt were at the end of their life, my experience helped me through tough conversations with them, and then later with grieving friends and family.
With regard to an afterlife or reincarnation, I do believe in science with respect that we are all energy and energy cannot be created or destroyed though it can change shape.
That is indeed very interesting what you say. I would like to chat with you on a private channel. Are you on discord? I am interested in more details of your former profession. As I am a seeker of people who have real experience in death business I would like to freshen up my theoretical knowledge and what I experienced within my own community.
Thanks for the question.
I have another interpretation. Or maybe not. You decide:)
The Bible I see as a metaphoric interpretation of human consciousness in retrospective. The tree of knowledge unleashes the opportunity to become conscious. Before, humans were animals in the kingdom of all other animals. With eating the apple, being warned that it is dangerous to eat it, comes the awareness of being human. With this awareness of being a being comes painful thought and idea. Humankind lost its innocence the moment the apple was eaten. It was no longer careless about its own life. Apple as a milestone (could also have been the invention of making fire).
A cut is no longer a cut releasing some blood and causing pain. What it else became is that the human who cuts himself suffers from having cut himself.
I guess we are still in the story. The tree of knowledge was just the first one and now we are having millions and millions of "knowledges" which produce more knowledge of the knowledge. I think back then when the Bible was written, we already had some forty thousand years of humankind lived and started to be aware that this is not the end of the game.
I compare it with the movie Matrix where Neo is asked: "which pill". Taking the pill of knowledge includes suffering and seeing the world as it is.
Well, I think there are many people who can serve some interesting interpretations. I am just too tired to search for them.
Bringing this idea to the matrix, the bible shows you the glitch with in the first two stories. After reading the old testament you get the feeling that the book is from some othere time, as it is some kind of log book that was passed down from a far older age.
oh, that very well can be. I don' see why human thought and communication should not be transported through eons of time. Makes sense.
Yes I have considered that correlation with the matrix too, but of course, this would make Morpheus the Serpent within said analogy.
I do have a question about your interpretation, however. If Adam and Eve were as animals before eating of the fruit of tree and knowledge, do you think it ought to be considered an act of defiance to eat from the tree in such circumstances? It would suggest to me that for them to understand the command enough to obey, they would need to know good and evil, right and wrong- do as your told or don't.
Yes, it would require that. I only can give you my experiences with dogs, who count as animals, I would say:-) from what I saw a dog can distinguish between being allowed to do something or not. Right and wrong I would include that. Not including "good and evil", that would go too far.
From a third perspective, Adam and Eve might have been used to transport the message to the receiver of the message: the reader and interpreter.
I can imagine that it is meant as a process, not just changing from knowing nothing to knowing it all but slowly but surely losing the former innocence.
But it could be that after having the Bible several times altered the original message is lost and we now are facing a riddle. To act in defiance requires a punisher who threatens with a consequence. To act out of curiosity makes it different, it doesn't necessarily need a punisher but starts a process of conditional emergence. Which is what I believe happened throughout the story of mankind.
There is more to support your idea that there was already a population of humans on earth then you realize. When Cain kills Abel (out of jealousy because Lord God preferred Abels offering to his) Yahweh sends Cain out into the world to be a drifter. Cain fears that he will be killed so Yahweh puts a mark on him to prevent it. But if Adam and Eve were really the first people, and at that point they had two sons- maybe three I can't remember if Seth was in the picture yet- who would Cain be afraid of unless there was already a population of people? That was a very early confusing question of mine that the church never answered properly.
So much comes from a couple pages. How much will come from the entire book? I'm not sure I will make it to the part you speak of before 2020.
Nice theory... The only thing I was able to come up with is that the supposed good LORD god said: you cannot have knowledge or I will punish you, but there, I put it right in your view so I dare you! And then the serpent is supposedly the bad guy for encouraging man to learn... Right.. That did seem to me like turning the whole thing on its head. And since it's right at the beginning of the whole bible book that pretty much set the trend for all that followed: massive violence through the old testament and then some weird sort of reversal to love in the new testament...
Sounds a bit like politics: do as I say, not as I do...
There are many things for me to explore about Bible's narrative about different stories since I am a Muslim.
Maybe the second story is when the "lord" turned the simulation on? Gods nature is all about glory and its actions need to be viewed as what would bring the most glory. So to god glory is like steem lol
Well this resonates with me rather well.
As a child I was taught that Lucifer (the light bringer) was responsible for educating a group of people into the art of Statecraft. My father just called it 'the craft'.
So it would seem that you are not alone in your view and I see things much the same way. Once people can overcome the initial hurdle the rest seems to fall into place for them
Thanks for sharing. Great job!