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RE: There is a Child Pornographer in Steemit User Name is @iamgod

in #cp8 years ago

Please cite the content you are referring to. I reviewed the account and saw no evidence of what you claim.


That model is 18, as a quick google for "met art jasmina age" shows. Furthermore, that content is not hosted by steemit, it is on an external site.

We will be updating the code to disable image inlining for certain users at our discretion and will add this user to the list. Then, their posted images will appear only as URLs: links to external sites, and the images will not appear on Stay tuned, the change should be live in a few hours.

So the proof of child abuse you found is an adult photo from metart ?

I linked you on a post about punching evil in the face, this is the proverbial straw to break the camels back, literally felt like a bull in a china shop reading this.......this , animal abuse trigger me into Xena mode, won't click on that and what's gross is I used a gif with Morgan Freeman from that movie with Jim Carrey where he goes "I am God" a few days back...and it kinda had to do somewhat with being fed up with some of this shit....sorry for the cussing