in #covid195 years ago
COVID-19 has put bad impacts on human life in every aspect but according to the research it has brought the world unpolluted air, the air in different parts of the world has got pollution-free, while on the other hand if levels of air pollution keep on increasing then it can result in more deadly effects of the virus on human beings. This is one positive effect that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought. We humans are a major source of pollution moreover we have built the birthplaces for pollution. So, the question arises is this an act of mother nature to restore the balance?

Image by Florian Kurz from Pixabay

It appears that not by our choice but the pollution levels in the air are decreasing constantly in all parts of the world which is probably because of less fuel consumption in the areas. We are the ones that pollute this dear planet we call home. Well, mankind is gifted with knowledge and it has superiority over all other creatures but still, we don't understand ourselves, we have been doing this so far, far more than a century now. So how did this virus come into being, still no one can completely explain to you, how and from which point did it exactly started, perhaps there is no explanation? The study concludes that the pollution levels in China have effectively decreased whilst it is one of the biggest pollution producing countries. Not just in China but the pollution levels in other major states and cities of the world have also decreased.

Image source: NASA Earth Observatory

Every day we start our new day, sitting in our vehicles, starting our engines and rushing towards our offices, and then some might say that we are not a part of pollution, well these vehicles are a major source of pollution. Sometimes I think that we have done enough and now it will be nature's turn and there it is, the time is now, mother nature has confronted us. I think it is the right time to take a peek at our previous mistakes.

Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

The hole in the ozone layer came into being in the 1970s. the hole is situated over Antarctica and it was considered as the most severe condition of the Ozone layer over Antarctica that could greatly cause a change in the world's climate. It is evident of the effect of our economic activities on the environment, and has been formed by continuous emissions of Chloro Fluoro Carbons (CFCs) but keeping it in view as a priority we were able to deal with it and stop its growth and today Ozone hole is recovering.

Image source: NASA/JPL

The sudden bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef which appeared first time in 2016, and resulted in the death of a great amount of barrier reef creatures. The bleaching is also caused by the emission of heat-trapping gases such as CO2, etc. as explained by the scientists. The recent bleaching was the third time that the Great barrier reef faced this deadly disaster. If we do not pay attention then situations at the barrier reef can get worse and remember that barrier reef is home to most of the sea creatures, we might see the extinction of any if we don't stop!

Image source: NASA/JPL

Another disclosure of our oversights is the Denman Antarctic glacier, dwelling over Antarctica, a stream that is more 2 miles wide has encountered with constant melting crisis and is greatly shrinking day-by-day. Denman Glacier is one of the biggest glaciers in Antarctica and if it keeps shrinking, we would experience an extreme climate change, scientists say that the glacier can increase sea level. Moreover, beneath the glacier lies a canyon and according to the researchers, the Denman glacier is the deepest continental place on earth.

Image source: NASA/JPL

Our affairs are not just affecting the environment but also the organisms living in the territories. It appears that marine life is moving towards the poles due to the increase in temperature. This can be explained by the simple fact that solubility of gases is inversely proportional to temperature and with increasing temperatures around the globe, not enough oxygen dissolves in the sea for necessary survival of marine, therefore, the species appear to move towards the poles of the planet that has a low temperature as compared to other parts of the world.
Corona pandemic has affected our economic activities but therefore it has led a helping hand to the planet, it might be possible that due to Coronavirus Earth might survive a day or more than it could before COVID 19.

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A post on environmental awareness by @leonardodaslade

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The New York Times had an interesting piece on the Ecology of disease

The New York Times had an interesting piece on the Ecology of disease