Discerning The 'D's Of The Covid War - Fearless Non-Compliance- Enjoy with Troy!

I have always been of softy for musicals, whether that be Roger and Hammerstein, Sondheim or Andrew Lloyd Weber. The John Kander 'Cabaret' is another favorite, and who does not like a good 'show' to distract us from our troubles. While many are enjoying the illusive party, there is an undertone of fear. The German NAZI war efforts build, as Jews are forced to leave or face extermination. Nationalism builds and we see the unexpected exit of the cast, A deafening silence and fear becomes the new normal, as the music and made up actors leave the stage forever.
But this show must not continue
I am reminded of the Covid war that plagues our world today. So many folks have chosen to live in the illusion of what our state run press-stitute media has fed them. Mass produced marketing campaigns seen on the alphabet televised stations, have saturated the world with the cancer of false propaganda. Sadly, folks have been brainwashed and have obediently taken the lethal injection jab, hoping to return to the party. Yet, the media has purposefully injected the world with the viruses of disinformation and fear. There are others, who choose not to be indoctrinated by the press-stitues media, and view this as a war on human existence. America has suffered ongoing deaths in war attacks over the last generation. Here are some statistics.
War in Afghanistan 2312 dead
War in Iraq 4,586 dead
Destroying Through Jabbing
To date, the US has lost 9, 048 innocent folks from the jab. Still, less than 1% of vaccine reactions are reported. I believe the death count is much higher. Afghanistan , Iraq and September 11 attack combined, do not even come close to the vaccine war devastation horror that faces our nation and the world. Where is the outrage? The same problem, reaction, solution plot was sold to the public in the 911 staged controlled demolition of the twin towers. Oh, I forgot. The whore media is selling compliance today, instead of activism.
Five Jet Blue airline pilots also died between February and May from taking the vaccine. Suddenly, the friendly skies don't seem safe anymore.

Bill Gates would like to see a 90% reduction in global human population by 2030.
Some people are awake. It has been reported that only 9% of blacks have taken the Fauci ouchie jab. They have been here before, and are street smart. They have seen the movie. In India and Africa, they know its eugenics. It was reported last year that 30,000 children were killed before on purpose. India knew the jab would kill them and are putting a case together. India is leading the way on suing the WHO for banning Ivermectin. Testing of the vaccines on animals was discontinued when lab mice died within two weeks. That is equivalent to two to thee years of human life. They knowing were aware it would kill people. The key word is 'knowingly' and this was genocide. This became the one two punch, virus and then vaccine. It should be noted that many of the elderly and health compromised were taken out with the virus last year.
To add to the genocide, Pfiser Maderna Gates and Fouci all in on the knowledge of having the cure before identifying the virus.
Distraction and Division
We find outrage as folks take to the streets in France, the UK and Melborne. Yet in America, they are either too sick or too dumbed down and brainwashed to fight back. Herd mentality has overtaken critical thinking. As they re robbing us of our rights, citizens would rather help create the distraction through social media vax wars. It is causing a divide among our families and friends. We choose to fight between each other, as our attention turns away from the larger picture. Such become the victims of the psychological warfare agenda.
If you collect 100 black ants and 100 red ants and put them in a glass jar nothing will happen, but if you take the jar, shake it violently and leave it on the table, the ants will start killing each other. Reds believe that black is the enemy while black believes that red is the enemy when the real enemy is the person who shook the jar. Who is shaking the vaccination agenda jar?
Another example is the two rats who fight between each other, Only one rodent will survive, yet it will hot have the energy to fight the patient hungry snake, waiting to devour his prey. The reptile will enjoy a double helping, thanks to the rodent's volunteerism.
As we ignorantly fight between each other, the depopulation agenda continues. Through 5G. chemtrails, processed food, declining sperm count, war on families, CPS, euthanasia and abortion, the 2030 agenda continues. And now the graphene oxide in the vaccination is a ticking time bomb, clotting and destroying your body's red blood cells. Finally, these injections are aiding in the sterilization efforts.
It is possible that 1.2 billion globally will die from the jab with 100,000 from the US. -Cliff High
Why would we need monthly boosters if the vaccine works. Johnson and Johnson put asbestos in the talcum powder... Can you really trust their vaccine in your bloodstream? And yes, there is a difference in the appearance and health of red blood cells between those vaxed vs, not vaxed, It seems that big Pharma drug dealers are in charge. When billions of dollars are at stake, suddenly facts don't matter to those drug dealers.
Deceit And Desperation
They desire to know every about us, while they hide everything from us. And we are being robbed of our rights every day. They do not want to act desperately and expose their true agenda by forced mandates, but instead, stay illusive. Yet, Biden says it is our patriotic duty to get vaccinated. I ask how taking a lethal, experimental gene therapy injection is patriotic? Going door to door is a sign of desperation and and a sign of weakness. It may collapse on its own if it gets poor reaction from the public. Video and audio recordings and bad PR will make them cancel it.
Truth tellers are demoralized as being stupid conspiracy theorists. Though truth is hated, we see in six to twelve months, that same conspiracy matures into truth.
With a stolen election, we have no politicians to represent our case. Congress are bought off and paid for and have become the deep state's pawns. Until American understands that, we will never have a real audit, nor have true representation to fight this covid war. We are in unchartered territory. Yes, elections have been stolen before, but never has power grab of freedom been this great.
What do the presidents of Ivory Coast, Tanzania, Swaziland, Haiti all have in common? These are all presidents of countries, who last year said vaccines would not be allowed to be sold in their country. They were reported to be assassinated by the CIA and the media does not report this. What is going on? Big Pharma and the CIA is controlling the world population.
Disruption of Social Order
Imagine what the depopulation vaccine will do to our social order. Hovering on breakdown through vaccine deaths would compromise truck drivers, dentists, pilots and ship captains. Most all areas of business and industry will suffer. In certain trades and industries, the knowledge folks have may die with them, as corporations may not have access to it. The mental fog and failure, resulting from the spiked proteins and blood clots, has the potential to cause work related accidents and even car wrecks. Men and women may experience psychological breakdowns in stores, failing mentally due to the injection. The cognitive and emotional levels will be compromised , producing vulnerability to fear ad rage. Some may even turn violent from realizing they have been psychologically damaged.
The democrats are killing off their own voters and pro-vaxers are now having trouble finding eager willing victims.
In rural America, Isolated small towns will be without workers, as population drops due to death and infertility. It will be transforming for all those who survive. There will be a need for grave diggers and help cremating the deceased. It will also take years to sort out the inheritance of it all. Folks may never again trust the pharma industry for this travesty. We may return to herbs and natural remedies. .

Freedom Through Non-Compliance
We are tolerantly allowing all of this to happen. Why has there been no real rising up of opposition? We cannot wait for the midterms or Trump to come riding in on a white horse. We will not have a country left. We need a untied non-compliance to this depopulation agenda, or else we will not live to enjoy what freedoms remain. We must thirst so much that we will fight for freedom, or forfeit it and be free 'dumb'. America is a big country and we are the majority. We need to start acting like it.
It does not take a majority to prevail, but an irate tireless minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. - Samuel Adams
The illusion of this party will not continue indefinitely. We are called to the stage to preserve our freedoms and liberties. The show of the corrupt depopulation agenda must end. The deceitful makeup and filthy lies of tyranny will only be overcome with a global non-compliance that starts with you and me.

Anti vaccine presidents assinated