COVID rates still very high, even where the CDC claims it is "low."

in #covid2 years ago

According to the latest science, the criminal FBI is actively lying to the American public about the origins of COVID.

Downplaying COVID kills people, and increases human suffering. We cannot simply revert to a "new normal," in the same way we cannot make peace with terrorists.

The best strategy is to physically remove The Biden Crime Family from the office which it has stolen. Biden cannot be allowed to remain. Biden's agencies are lying about the elections, in the same manner the FBI is lying to you about the origin of COVID. This is a criminal government, and revolution is still the best strategy for your family's well being and prosperity.

The savage manner in which they have mistreated The Dignified (not deplorable, but dignified!) Trump Supporters of January 6th is inhumane. Every American should be upset that their freedoms are under attack by The Biden Crime Family. You cannot mistreat Americans that way, and walk away with an unbroken jaw. We must fight these criminals, so we can restore our health. We will not achieve full health, without fighting The Biden Crime Family, and the geronticidal fungus of Obamacare.

FBI, Biden, and the stolen democrat deep state, you cannot allow malfeasance, blame in on China, and think Americans will believe you, when you were not even legitmately elected. I am not a politician, so I don't care. I can say what Donald Trump cannot, which is that the theft of the election and COVID are still the unaddressed issues, and the longer they remain unaddressed, or improperly addressed, the longer American families will suffer under reckless Obamacare.

Currently Obscene and Criminal Biden is allowing COVID and Monkey Pox to spread unmitigated, and is doing absolutely nothing as a lame duck "President" who is surrounded by hostile American Revolutionary Trump Supporters no matter which direction he attempts. Has he kept any promises? Biden is a liar, and certainly a corrupt criminal who has gotten away with too much for too long. His son too! It's their entire family that is corrupt. As Americans we must say no to corruption and put up a fight. This is not Ukraine, and Americans are armed, and will not be disarmed while you arm other nations.

COVID causes bone loss, fractures:

How COVID adversely impacts the placenta during pregnancy:

How COVID crosses the placenta:

Improperly regulated animal industries in the US, continuously expose Americans to more pandemics:

COVID makes organ donation more problematic:

COVID may have spread to deer in late 2021 through early 2022:

Some people's brain function still affected by long COVID years after infection:

People who have been infected by COVID, lost their sense of smell, and it never returned, are now in the millions:

The FBI is definitely lying to the world, and everyone knows that it is for political aid to the fungus of Ukrainian Bidenomics and Geronticidal Obamacare. There is nothing American in Washington DC. Nothing. Those are statists who have stolen our country from our mothers and fathers, why they stole taxes from.

US government officials, who were not actually transparently elected (show me a soul who was shown the actual election result- they were not- Biden is entirely court appointed), are lying, because it is confirmation bias, and many species leaps of the virus have now been observed, such as deer, dogs, and cats. Biden is lying to America about national security. We cannot tolerate the lies of the Biden regime any longer, and we must muster a revolution. We must mount a revolutionary attack. We must set up a new nation that is actually capable of defending our country. A constitution that has allowed Biden can no longer be trust to lord over our families. We can no longer trust the constitution with our votes, for they will steal them. We cannot allow such people to lord over our mothers and fathers, while their drug addicted corrupt money laundering children are the sole beneficiaries, and seniors are homeless in every city in America as they tax families to death. I have seen elderly women, older than my mother, sleeping in bus stops, because housing is so extremely inflated under this moron of a President, and his drug addicted family. This is a war people. We are in the American Revolution. Don't believe their government. They are the enemy of mankind. They will allow you to die, having stolen all the taxes from our paychecks, and leaving our parents impoverished, and no one having launched their own families, with their own children. This is a war America. Biden is a criminal to be killed. I am not mincing my words. He must be brought to trial, sentenced to death, and killed. There is no other way. Biden has lost control of our nation. We must take over. Biden's dog has better healthcare than your mother. That's Obamacare, and why it is wrong. We must overthrow this corrupt regime in an American Revolution for the dignity of our mothers!

The FBI is definitely corrupt! This is a cold hard fact. Even though Vivek, The Stupid Harvard Hitlerian, was naively duped into believing them on COVID, he is at least correct they should be removed from our country, even though his thesis is incorrect. There is no way that destroying the FBI is wrong, for what they have done is attacked our families. Just ask Donald Trump. They raided his home! They found nothing anyone cares about. They have mounted a third volley of Trumped up charges, which will have the same effect, nothing.

Vivek said that because he saw the criminal FBI go into Donald Trump's private residence, and raid it like the criminals they are, but there is a much larger crime the FBI is behind (God knows what else they have done). The FBI must be removed from the country for telling obvious lies as a psych ops attack on the psyche of the American mind, body and soul. To allow the FBI to continue to exist, will be perceived by American taxpayers, as an act of war against our mothers and fathers. This revolution is about a government that steals taxes, elections, and now other countries with no regard for your country. We must make it clear to FBI operatives, that you cannot stay in America, because we will make it impossibly unsafe for you to stay here. It would be immoral to continue to allow the FBI to exist, and allowing it would mean war on American soil, which would be an escalation from what was observed on January 6th, so the process of apoptosing the cancer of the FBI must be carried out. They cannot walk away from this and not be lethally mauled. Vivek is correct. We must achieve the corpse of this three lettered agency, and the revolution will not stop there.

They have attacked an elected leader, Donald Trump, and raided his private home. This is an act of war. We have a governmental agency operating as an enemy of the American tax payer, on American soil, and it will not end well, if they are not kicked out of our country.

China, who actually deftly controlled the pandemic, is attacking the reckless and fake leaders of the US for spreading lies about COVID, as in it is going after individual American citizens, such as our wealthiest African American, Elon Musk. We must make it clear to the world that fake-office-stealing-American-leaders are not legitimate, and we are indeed at war with them from within the belly of the beast. We do not approve of the stupid decisions these thieves who have stolen leadership positions have conducted. I have to say this, as an individual, but I believe we must all say this. We must all accept we have lost our nation, and must fight the revolution, because that is the reality on the ground. The Biden Regime is simply not legitimate, it never will be, so we must fight them out of the country. We must make it totally unsafe to be an illegitimate leader in this country, which is the best way to fight crime. The police will not help you, as we all saw them attack Trump Supporters on January 6th. This revolution is between you and yourself, you and God, you and your mother, and your family. If you love them enough, you will fight.

The population of children who now have long COVID as a chronic disease is very large and growing:

COVID can, and frequently does, give children type 2 diabetes: