Anarcho Rebel Connection Report 28th September 2020

in #covid-194 years ago

Anarcho Rebel Connection

by Snake Plissken

Monday 28th September 2020

Hey party people, Snake Plissken is back

For Victorians, it all started with severe austere stage 4 lockdowns on August 2nd 2020. More info here

It is now the 28h September. A few weeks have passed. The strong Victorians have stood up over the passed few weekends and were subject some unlawful and unconstitutional behaviour from the Victorian Police Force. They have been continutued to be lied to, and fear-mongered into conforming by the DickTaster, Dan Andrews.

We found out that there was no valid health reason for the imposed curfew, it was a decision put forward by the Victorian Pig Farce. Paedophile protectors. Satan worshippers. Why is the Police Farce making a recommendation which is not health related? No science behind this genius decision little boys. These idiots cannot put 2 and 2 together. Read the whole comedy story here

But lets stick to the facts shall we?

##​ Saturday 5th September 2020


Me and my mate attended the Sydney Protest on Saturday 5th September 2020 at Sydney Olympic Park.
We attended the protest in Olympic Park back in the 5th September 2020. It was a good turn out which was under quoted by the mainstream media. They said there was only a “couple of hundred” that attended that day which was a crock of shit. There was well over 500 people that attended. It was quite possible that there ws over 1000. Police were quick to split up the crowd. So everyone was evenly spaced out over a large area.


Even two couples from Mudgee, which is a country town about 4 hours out of Sydney,attended. It was good to see so many people out on such a beautiful day.

Me and my mate got ruffed up by the coppers. I got thrown to the ground, my mate got put in a a choke hold, for no valid reason. My mate tried to hug a guy that was apprehended by the pigs. They were pushing people around for no reason. One female got pushed to the ground, and her elbow was bleeding for a long period of time after the incident occurred. We were all complying, no one was violent, except for the pigs themselves as usual.

Anyone who had a loudspeaker or PA device was apprehended, and that was where we met Joe Mikhael. Top bloke, leader of the Save The World Army.

I noticed when we left that the mounted police had left some litter behind and did not clean up after themselves. I wonder if they will get a fine for littering?


Note the horse dookie left behind by the mounted police.

Here is some footage from some of the mainstream propaganda networks , RT here, Nine news here and Sky News here.

The strict stage 4 lockdowns in Victoria were supposed to come to an end on Sunday 13th September 2020. Dictator Dan Andrews, then came out the week prior stating he wanted to extend this for another 12 months!!! He was not getting any support from any other politicians! It was then announced it would be extended another 2 weeks until 27th September 2020

Sunday 13th September 2020

Melbourne protesters attended the markets to vent their frustration at DickTaster Dan Andrews and the Victoria Pig Farce more details from ABC News here and Nine news here

Monday 14th September 2020

The Police ran over a man who was seeking help from a hospital. He was unable to obtain treatment from the hospital and has a history of mental health issues. They then proceeded to stomp him on the head. Romper Stomper anybody?

Video's can be found here and here

COVID-19 Update

Out of the 26809 cases to date, 24, 444 have recovered, or 91.18%. That is if the tests and death certificates are accurate?

The stats speak for themselves

2020-09-27 AustraliaHospitalisation.png

2020-09-27 RecoveriesVsCases.png

2020-09-27 TestsvsCases7DayAverage.png

2020-09-27 AustraliaDailyTestCount.png

2020-09-27 VictoriaMetroCaseAverage.png

2020-09-27 RecentClustersTotalCases.png

2020-09-27 VictoriaGrowthRate1st2ndWave.png

2020-09-27 DailyCaseCount-NSW-VIC.png

2020-09-27 DailyCaseCount.png

2020-09-27 ConfirmedCumulativeCaseCount.png

2020-09-27 InternationalCumulativeCaseCount.png

2020-09-27 DeathsByAge.png

2020-09-27 DailyDeathCount.png

all graph’s courtesy of ABC

Sunday 27th September 2020


Dictator Dan Andrews announced the curfew in Victoria ends at 5AM tomorrow
127,000 people can go back to workforce
Melburnians can now exercise within 5km of their homes or workplaces. If exercising near work they still must carry the essential worker permit!
There is still a two hour limit
Tennis and Bowls Clubs to remain closed
Outdoor pools open with conditions
All outdoor events such as weddings, gatherings, religious ceremonies are limited to 5 people only!
Childcare and primary schools resume
Many industries are allowed to recommence trading as long as they have a covid safe plan in place
Outdoor sole traders such as gardeners and lanscapers can return t work as long as they have covid safe plans in place, but are not allowed to work in teams!
Hospital visitations, one per day, 2 hours max.
Cafes and restaurants can still only to takeaway trade – Real good for the environment all that plastic waste is.
Hotels and AirBNB are still closed unless they have exemptions.
If you get caught in an ‘illegal gathering’ you can expect to cop a $4,957 fine (extortion, theft) from the Robot Police and Dictator Dan Andrews. Yay. Thanks for keeping us safe Dictator Dan.
If 5 average cases per day target is hit, more restrictions will be eased


NSW reports zero new cases
NSW will be accepting 3000 international travellers per week to go into hotel quarantine. Up 500 per week. Could this throw the numbers out if not handled correctly, and force NSW to go into a Victorian style lockdown? Time will tell.


Jobkeeper(Unemployment Figure Fudger Payment) and JobSeeker COVID allowances are being reduced as of midnight tonight
Government is hopeful travel between Australia and New Zealand

Monday 28th September 2020


• DicTastor Dan Andrews announced a new testing regime
• Something was hinted at the lack of testing numbers as to why cases are going download
• He sounded a bit disappointed that they were going down
• So, he announced the sewerage systems in main sewerage treatment plants will be tested for COVID 19!!! If Tanzania is anything to go by, cases should go through the roof!

You cannot make this shit up!

Peace and love to all you cool cats out there.
Be your own Bank, The Government won't save you.
De-calcify your pineal gland, & stop drinking that fluoridated water.
How good is it to wake up and smell the coffee sunshine?

Check out these sick connections for more good info...

Brendan O’Connell – Bitchute – Talpiot – YouTube - Brendan O’Connell
Check out Stacy Herbert and Max Keiser of The Keiser Report
Check out Gerald Celente of The Trends Journal
Check out Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante Crypto Vigilante
Check out Max Igan of The Crowhouse
Check out David Icke – The Ickonic
In Australia - 99% Unite
Remember, everything is gonna be alright
Don’t worry, be happy. Be positive.
I’m out!



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