100 of my Covid memes from 2020 and 2021
Enjoy these 100 original Covid-themed shareable images, shown in the order I made them. Bonus: 5 new!

And some new ones:

I hope the new calendar brings positive change on the Covid front. It does appear that omicron is too mild to harm people OR healthcare systems, but it's hard to believe that will be the end of this plandemic. For one thing, the restrictions (which have decimated the economy and resulted in a record number of suicides) aren't disappearing even though the threat from Covid has diminished. This power grab cannot be allowed to become permanent. One thing we know from history is that tyrants don't give up power willingly, so it may take more than mass non-compliance to bring about the change we really need to see. Those responsible for the virus, the vaccine, and censorship of the truth need to be dealt with. This won't end just because the virus is fizzling out. In fact, that may be part of the narrative. So while the narrative does seem to have shifted, almost right when the calendar did, we can't be certain it isn't just morphing into something even more sinister. Those hellbent on global domination are exposed now. They can't stop. This is a fight to the finish.
Hopefully it won't take another 100 memes to get through these dark times, but if so, I'm up for the task!
Happy New Year!