Cover a Steemian announcement - ''The @passion-ground challenge''.

Hello Steemit!
As you may know , I usually make my #coverasteemian updates on weekends and last week was surely a cool one for this initiative! as we had some really cool covers showing up and they just made my day a little better when I heard them, this was the last update:
So , before I head on to the actual challenge that the good @passion-ground is sponsoring below #coverasteemian I want to give a couple shout-outs:
First, a huge shoutout to @luzcypher for being so supportive of this initiative , I've seen him upvoting some of the #coverasteemian entries and I thank him a lot for that, he is a role model for me in this platform and I look up to him and his Open Mic Contest , in which I participate and support regularly!
So , if you haven't joined the Open Mic , we are on Week #78 , come join us and share some music :)!
Also , please vote for @pfunk as a witness, as some may know , he is the main sponsor of the Open Mic contest and he just slipped to place #21 in the Witness ranks , it is very important to keep him on the top 20 so he can keep giving his full support to the Open Mic contest as he has been doing up until this point. @passion-ground made a post with links explaining how to vote , give him a visit:
Now let's get to the challenge!:
''Cover a Steemian @passion-ground challenge.''
As I said before , last week was a very cool one for #coverasteemian since we had @tarotbyfergus , the guy who inspired the whole initiative cover @passion-ground , another steemian who is one of the biggest supporters of the whole Steemit music community with a very cool rendition of ''You know it's me'' by Passion. This was the entry:
@passion-ground got such a kick and joy out of it he contacted me to set a little contest/challenge which he is going to be sponsoring, and of course I said yes to him!
@passion-ground will be giving away 10SBD to the first 10 Steemians that cover one of his original songs!
Of course we don't want ''quickly done'' entries just for the money, so if you decide to cover one of Passion's songs, please, make an honest effort to deliver you best performance! Also, Passion will give out a special shout-out on his weekly Open Mic official posts to whoever covers one of his songs.
So , what's the song list? Here we go:
@passion-ground ORIGINALS: (9-songs)
-Hopes & Dreams
-Beautiful Woman
-You Know It's Me
-Full Circle
-Baby Don't Feel Like A Man Today
-Too Complicated
-I'm Comin' Home
-Here, Now, There, and Then
-Reason To Love You
So, if you like one of passion's song ! You are welcome to give them your best rendition! Make our great big brother of the Open Mic community, who has supported all of us with his nice comments on our music have some happy moments by hearing his originals played and have a little bonus SBD in the process! Come join us! It's a win/win scenario ! :D !
The regular ''Cover a Steemian'' initiative is still running so you are still welcome to join us with your favorite artist's songs , here is a rules reminder:
-Cover a Steemian rules (updated 18/3/2018)
- Choose a song of a particular Steemian you would like to support.
- Contact him/her and ask permission to cover his song unless it is in the ''Song Pool''.
- Do a post using the tag #coverasteemian, #music should be your second tag.
- The title of your post must start with ''Cover a Steemian''
- Tag @pechichemena and the Steemian you are covering.
- Share your post in the last ''Cover a Steemian'' update.
- Give us a little introduction of the song and why you want to support that Steemian.
- Transfer at least 50% of the SBD of that post (100% and even extra is still encouraged).

9 More to go!
We still have 9 more prizes for the "Passion-ground challenge'' as Tarot was the first entry! Here was Passion's SBD transfer:

This is a very nice initiative.
Thank you very much @stimu!
Hi everybody, this is my performance of Here, now, there and then. Sorry about the quality... My cam died T_T
This is my ticket to participate in #coverasteemian, kiss!
amigo si me podrias facilitar la letra de My Baby Don’t Feel Like A Man Today. por favor @pechichemena
Hola @centenojesus , si claro... dame un sec.
veo que no esta en el post , voy a conseguirla y te la posteo aqui!
perfecto amigo gracias
Hola amigos @pechichemena y @passion-ground espero estén bien. Les escribo para saber si tuve un error en mi participación? ya que han pasado 2 días y aun ni un comentario me han dejado... aqui les dejo mi participación un abrazo grade para ambos. paz y amor
Amigo podrías facilitarme la letra de "Full Circle" para comenzar a trabajar ese tema
Ahora veo de conseguirla, abrazo.
Gracias Amigo.
Hola no tengo algo muy claro, no puedo repetir ningún tema ya seleccionado por otro steemiano? de ser así quisiera saber cuales de los temas están disponibles?. gracias
Están todas disponibles siempre y cuando te bases en la original de Passion , en caso de querer hacer una adaptación al español no te bases en una adaptación ya hecha por otro steemiano o se va a considerar ''cover de un cover'' y no te la voy a poder contar como válida. Abrazo.
Ok muchas gracias. Saludos :)
This is great, Pechiche! Because it was so much fun and such an honor for me that Tarot covered one of my songs, I've already sent $10.00 sbd to @tarotbyfergus for his cover of "You Know It's Me."
There's $90.00 more sbd to be split between the next 9-artists who cover any of @passion-ground's songs. And yes, so long as performances stand up to Pechiche's good standards, the same artist can enter more than once.
Let's have some fun!
it is taking of my brother :D!
hola @passion-ground necesito la letra de la cancion : My Baby Don’t Feel Like A Man Today. si me la puede facilitar por favor estaria agradecido.
agradecido mi amigo
Hola a todos aquí envió mi presentación.
hola a todos al compañero @pechichemena y @passion-ground esta es mi entrada