Your Inner Power and Strength: Building BridgesTo Overcoming Challenges

in #courage7 years ago (edited)


Every new adventure, or situation that is new to your experience can be approached with either a sense of excitement and anticipation, or with a sense of uncertainty and fear.

The choice of how you embrace the experiences that unfold in your life tell you a lot about yourself.

How do you meet change?

Do you embrace it?

Do you avoid or ignore it ... hoping it will go away?

All of us at some point in our lives will meet change any one of these ways. Sometimes as we grow we come to regret our choices - other times we exult that we made the right choice!

The point is to recognize our behaviour before we decide to react.

We can then play with the perceived outcomes before they happen ... and hopefully make more better choices going forward.

I love nature - and when out in the wilderness, choosing rightly or wrongly can make all of the difference. It is no different in the choices we make in our relationships.

A careless unkind word, or a calculated harsh word can ruin a relationship forever.

But what about situations or events that happen that you absolutely have no clue as to what happened?

These can take years to resolve ... and sometimes they never are -because no one has the courage to trust their heart and cross that bridge to actually communicate with the other person to get to the real issue(s).

A great example of unresolved hatred began with a newly wed young bride asking her new mother in-law if she could take the new mom-in-law to a gift shop to buy her a gift.

Nothing wrong with that is there?

I mean, when is a gift not a present - right?


A Gift Is NOT A Present ... when it is in German!

My grandma and my mom hated each other for well over 35 years ... until nearing her 97th birthday my grandma finally told me why she hated my mother.

She thought my mom wanted to take her to a poison shop to buy her poison!

How's that for the first introduction to the new family?

Trust, love, have faith ... and cross over the bridge of miscommunication people!


photos and content are all my own
PS - anyone know where I took this photo? One of my favorite locations. Share in comments if you know!