10 Amazing Reasons Why Couple Needs To Pray

in #couple7 years ago


              Amazing Reasons why Couple needs to pray for Each other

Introduction: Marriage is a divine and ordained unionism by the highest( GOD). Thus for any couple who desires joy, happiness and strong trust co-existence to rain, the two-party needs to pray fervently for each other.
My Cousin used to take his marriage for granted for almost 6years. Everythings were going on as normal as expected. But one unique and vital aspect had been missing but they have been enjoying (Grace). They don't have time to request nor pray to thy Lord.
The husband lost his job without any reason or offense. The home which was rosy and full of honey gradually turns sour. Feeding the family is the order of the day. My cousin and his Wife were running helter/skelter. (What a world of simplicity yet gives one's life complications and sorrow).To cut the long story short. My Cousin had a dream one said day. Dreamt about the consequences of not praying for his wife's success. And frankly saying, had it been he has been praying for her all this while, the situation experienced couldn't have gone to that level. Ask me How? Because the wife needs to be prayed for too.
Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life. Reference ( Proverbs 31:10-12).
He who finds a wife finds a good thing. And obtains favor from the LORD.
Reference: (Proverbs 18:22)
The more my Cousin understand how his wife benefits directly from his prayers, the more He understands how God uses those prayers to build his faith and how He changes and blesses him in the process.


The power of a praying husband is not a means of gaining control over your wife. We all know that never really happens anyway. That's because God doesn't want us controlling other people. He wants us to let Him control us. When we humble ourselves before God and let Him control us, then He can work with us. God wants to work through you as the husband as an instrument of His power as you intercede for your wife.
The Power of your prayer is God's. When you pray for your wife, you are involving God to exercise His power in her life. Your prayer enables her to better healthy lifestyle and responding to God's leading.
Your spiritual authorityauthority with regard to your wife and family is unequaled. Because your spiritual authority comes from God. It must be used the way God intended. It must be motivated by his love and have His glory in Mind.Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us" (1John 5:14)
If you see the enemy creeping into your marriage in any way, stand up and boldly say:
"I will not permit any plans of the enemy to prevail in our marriage. "
"I will not allow the enemy to drive a wedge between us"
"I will not stand by and see my wife deceived by lies of the enemy"
"I will not allow the enemy to attack my wife in any way"
"I will not allow miscommunication to rule our relationship"
"I will not permit the mistakes of our past, even yesterday's to control our future"
Then pray, pray, pray. Because when you pray, no weapon fashioned against her or you will prosper or come to pass ( Isaiah 54:17)


Jesus said that the greatest act of love is to lay down your life for another(John 15:13). There are many ways to lay down your life for your wife without physically dying. One way is lay down your life for her in prayer. It's sacrificing a relatively small amount of time for her greatest good, which is ultimately yours also. You need to protect the pride of your wife, which among others is motherhood. Pray for her when she conceives and does not relent even during child delivery. That's when she would feel your love and secure in your arms.
Whenever she wants to go out give her a hot kiss and pray for her safe trip.
Whenever a wife hears that husband is praying for her, it makes her feel loved and protected. It makes her feel she's important to him. If you want to see God soften your wife's heart, or make things right between you, or enrich your life together, or cause your marriage to run more smoothly, then pray for her. If you want your wife to throw herself at your feet, ask her, " How do you want me to pray for you today?"( Don't let me down here, ladies, I know you're reading this.) Okay, maybe that's overstating it a bit. But she will love you for it. Those words speak of your commitment to her and the marriage. Of course, if you tell her you're praying for her and you don't actually do it. I wouldn't go out in any lightening storm if I were you.


Have you ever been so mad at your husband that the last thing you wanted to do was pray for him?So have I. Its hard to pray for someone when you are angry or he's hurt you. But that's exactly what God wants us to do. If He asks us to pray for our enemies, how much more should we be praying for the person with whom we have become one and are supposed to love? But how do we get past the unforgiveness and critical attitude?
The first thing to do is be completely honest with God. In order to breakdown the walls in our hearts and smash the barriers that stop communication, we have to be totally upfront with the Lord about our feelings. We don't have to " pretty it up" for Him. He already knows the truth. He just wants to see if we are willing to admit it and confess it as disobedience to His ways. If so, He then has a heart with which He can work.
If you are angry at your husband, tell God. Don't let it become a cancer that grows with each passing day. Don't say, "I'm going to live my lice and let him live his." There's a price to pray when we act entirely independently of one another. " Neither is man independent of woman, nor woman independent of man, in the lord" ( 1 Corinthians 11-11).
Instead say," Lord, nothing in me wants to pray for this Man. I confess my Anger, hurt, in forgiveness, disappointment resentment, and hardness of heart toward him. Forgive me and create in me a clean heart and right spirit before You. Give me a new, positive, joyful, loving, forgiving attitude toward him. Where he has erred, reveal it to him and convict his heart about it. If you feel you're able, try this little experiment and see what happens. Pray for your husband every day. Seeing your husband through God's eyes-not just as your husband, but as God's child, a son whom the Lord loves.
The problem with the chance, chance in a marriage is, chancel opp PPP pbbnppPP0p all look pool opppRemember the scripture you read at the very beginning of the book? It says that God has already given you favor simply because you have a wife (Proverbs 18:22). There are certain blessings God has for you just because you are married. That's because God has declared the two of you to be one in His sight. Reference: ( Matthew 19:4-6). This means that what happens to one of you will affect the other. If she is happy, you will be happy. If you are blessed, she will be blessed. And of course, the reverse is also true. If she is not happy, you definitely won't be either. Her problems are your problems, just as your problems are hers. That's why your prayers for her are so crucial. They will affect you both.
Whatever you don't pray about in your life you leave up to chance. And that's not good enough when it comes to your marriage.
The problem with the chance of a marriage is, chances are there will be some difficult times. Chances are there will be disagreement. Chances are there will be misunderstanding and hurts. Chances are there will be selfishness and hardness of heart. That's because we are, after all, human. But if we leave the outcome of these things up to chance, we will wind up in trouble down the line. However, all of these things can be turned around through prayer.
If busyness, workaholism, forgiveness, strife, child rearing, careers, separate interests, boredom, or miscommunication has crept in between you and your wife, God can work through your prayers to bring down wall that separates you, melt the armor that has been put on for self-protection, and mold you together in unity. It will give you a vision of hope for how God can redeem, restore, and make things right. Praying for your wife will not only soften her heart, but it will also soften yours as well. Prayer is the way forward.


For every woman, there is a longing to do what she was created to do. One of the things a woman's body was created to do is give birth. Her arms were made to hold a child, and she can feel empty when she is denied that privilege for too long. Even women who for one reason or another have chosen not to have children still experience pangs of desire to hold a child in their arms from time to time. For women who very much want their own children and have been denied that experience, there is a pain so deep that only God can touch it and soothe it. The "barren womb" is never satisfied ( Proverbs 30:15,16).
If your wife is not a mother and wants to be, pray that she will find comfort for that ache, even if she no longer mentions it. If you have decided together to not have children and you are certain it is God's will, there may not be any problem. But if one of you wants a child and the other doesn't, this can lead to frustration, resentment, and unfulfillment that can strain the marriage to the point of breaking.
Surprisingly, healing for infertility was mentioned as one of the top needs for prayer for mothers in my survey of women. So pray that God, .,.
will do whatever necessary for either you or your wife so that this issue will be completely resolved. And don't give up. I've known many people who have been childless, praying for years for the baby, and who then have seen God answer those prayers in one miraculous way or another. This could not have happened without the long-term fervent prayers of husbands and wives seeking a miracle from God. Often the greatest miracles happen to those who are desperate for one.

                         SEED OF LOVE 

Seeds of love are some of the easiest seeds to plant, and their growth is so rapid that you can sometimes see results instantaneously. If seeds of love are planted by our marriage partner, then hope, peace, and happiness will grow in us. These things will give us the courage to face our fears, failures, and inabinabilities. They will give us the strength to stand up and resist the things that oppose us.
If you and your wife do not produce enough love to allow each of you to grow into all God created you to be, then your relationship needs to be examined for selfishness, fear, pride, control, or whatever another weed of the flesh is stifling it.
The Bible says, " Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good"( Romans 12:9). Cling to what is good in your marriage with all sincerity of heart.Despise what the devil is trying to plant there. Pray that God will show you how to plant new seeds of unconditional love. (A garden has to be replanted every year.) With proper care, those seeds of love will produce a great harvest.


In other, for a garden to not become a salad bar for hungry animals, it needs a fence around it to keep them out. In the same way, the boundaries of marriage are set up for its protection. If we don't watch over the boundaries, something is sure to be stolen from us.Too often people carelessly plant seeds outside the boundaries, and what grows up attracts the attention of creatures that come to devour.
A close friend of mine had a husband who sowed seeds of infidelity outside the garden of his marriage. This attracted a creature of prey who was hungry to take over the garden for herself. That man and this creature scattered their seeds in fields that were not their own, seeds of weeds and briars from which nothing good could ever grow. This eventually destroyed not only one but two marriage gardens, and it was never possible to regain what was lost.
Everyone gets tempted to sow outside his own garden. The ones who resist, and instead deliberately plant seeds of fidelity, reap a harvest of plenty. Even if you have a perfect marriage ever known to man, the enemy will still try to tear down the fence and destroy it by one means or the another. " Therefore let him who thinks he stands to take heed lest he falls" ( Corinthians 10:12).
Pray that God will keep will keep you and your wife from planting anything you will live to regret. Ask Him to show you how to plant seeds of fidelity and build a fence so solid it will be the envy of all your neighbors.

                          SEEDS OF TIME

You can't have a successful garden if you don't spend enough time in it. It takes many hours to plant, water, feed, nurture, and harvest. In successful marriage, the husbands and wives spend time together alone. If your schedules never allow time for you and your wife to be alone with each other, then you are too busy. You need that time of togetherness to talk, to work things out, to share interests and dreams, to just be together in silence, and to have intimate times that are not rushed. I know there are seasons in everyone's life that are especially busy. But when busyness becomes a lifestyle, you've got to consider exactly what it is you're planting. Pray that God will help you plant seeds of time together.

                    SEEDS OF RESPECT

One of the main reasons marriage fail is that the husband or wife does not seek the other's best interest. The Bible says, "Let no one seek his own, but each one the other's well-being" (Corinthians 10:24). When we sow seeds of disrespect in a marriage, we are not seeking the other's well-being, and we will reap a crop of bitterness and strife. Putting our mate's well-being before our own is not only very difficult, its simply impossible to do on a consistent basis without the Holy spirit enabling us. That's why we must pray about it.
"R. E. S. P. E. C. T., that's what my baby needs from me." Unlike many songs about love and relationships, this song accurately identifies that respect is necessary for relationships to thrive. Mutual respect is one of the cornerstones of all successful relationships. The loss of mutual respect can destroy a marriage quickly, or more often, lead to a painful, stressful and unhappy life for a couple. While this notion appears commonsensical, there is also a significant body of research (by John Gottman, Ph.D. and his colleagues) that strongly supports this view.
Our approach to working with couples emphasizes the importance of mutual respect. While mutual respect is not sufficient (spouses or partners can treat each other respectfully, but still struggle with major issues) it is necessary for a relationship to thrive. Without mutual respect, couples are unlikely to be able to solve problems. Thus, our therapists work with couples to re-establish respect and then address other issues that the couple may be struggling with.
Respect: What do we mean by mutual respect? Mutual respect is a very simple concept. It means that you treat your spouse or partner in a thoughtful and courteous way. It means that you avoid treating each other in rude and disrespectful ways, e.g., you do not engage in name-calling, and do not insult or demean your spouse or partner. It also means that you do not talk sarcastically to, or ignore or avoid your partner. Finally, mutual respect means that you view the opinions, wishes, and values of your partner as worthy of serious consideration. While this sounds very simple it takes a consistent effort to treat your spouse or partner respectfully. Respect is not just the absence negative behavior, but the presence of positive behaviors. Specifically, if you are treating your spouse or partner respectfully you are doing things such as: considering his//her opinion; consulting with your partner before making decisions that affect your partner; taking an active interest in your spouse's or partner's life (work, daily activities and interests); compromising and negotiating with your partner about important issues that affect both of you and your family. While this list is far from exhaustive it captures the essence of a respectful marriage or relationship.
Establishing and Losing Respect: How is respect established in a marriage or relationship? Respect is established when you consistently: consider and value the feelings and opinions of your partner; talk to and treat your partner in ways that you would want to be treated, and compromise and negotiate with your partner.
How is respect lost in a marriage? Respect can slowly erode due to day to day stresses and strains. If you or your partner is stressed or struggling with your own issues, you may become irritable and negative, and vent your frustrations on your partner. This can set off a vicious cycle in which partners are increasingly negative and disrespectful to each other. Similarly, an inability to resolve or manage conflicts or differences can lead to anger and frustration, which if expressed in negative and blaming ways can start the same cycle of negative interactions and result in the loss of respect. These are only a few of the ways that respect can evaporate in a marriage or relationship.
Supporting and maintaining respect: Sustaining respect during the course of a relationship takes effort. We are all human, and if someone begins to treat us negatively, inconsiderately, and disrespectfully, we often tend to respond in kind. This pattern of mutual disrespect feeds on itself. The more one partner is rude and inconsiderate, the more likely it is the other spouse or partner will behave in similar ways. Thus, disrespect can grow until most interactions are characterized by sarcastic, inconsiderate, blaming, critical, and demeaning behavior. However, the lack of respect is not always so obvious. Spouses or partners can show their disrespect in more subtle but equally corrosive ways, e.g., ignoring the spouse or partner, responding with indifference to their partner.
Source: http://www.centersforfamilychange.com/relationship_problems_respect.htm


Words are like seeds. They start out small and grow into something big. If a person plants words of anger, indifference, criticism, impatience, or insensitivity in his marriage, the fruit of those words will be lack of intimacy and warmth, loss of harmony and unity, and the silencing of laughter and joy. These seeds can grow into something big enough to choke out everything else around them.
Communication allows a couple to share their thoughts, feelings and the manner in which they perceive any given situation in a way that enables them to understand each other's reality, as well as their needs and desires, according to the article, "Communication Between Couples: How to Communicate in a Relationship, " published on a Psych Alive website. The manner in which you approach your partner, in addition to talking and listening, comprise effective communication.

Source Effective Communication Between Couples | LIVESTRONG.COM

in conclusion: Marriage is designed to be enjoyed and live it to the fullest. God's plan for the couple is to be in one accord and let love, unity, and peace be the watchword.
More also God has commanded us,(Woman).Be humble to your husband,(Man).Love your wife as God loves the church.
Lesson learned let be prayerful in our marriages.Prayer is the key and Avert all spiritual principalities and any plan of the enemies coming through.
Power Tools; Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of Man the things which God has prepared for those who love HIM. 1 Corinthians 2:9
There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. Proverbs 23:18

House and riches are an inheritance from fathers, but a prudent wife from the Lord. Proverbs 19:14
Mark the blameless Man, and observe the upright: for the future of that Man is Peace. But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the future of the wicked shall be cut off. Psalm 37:37,38
Brethren invites God into your marriage and you would never regret you did. Shalom.

                       ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Tobi Olaniyi is an award-winning bestselling author, who personally connect with readers by sharing experiences and lessons that illustrate how God transforms lives when we trust Him.
Happily married to Olajumoke and blessed with a son. A graduate of the University of Maiduguri, Borno State.Nigeria.Has diverse knowledge on conducting survey and participating fully to get the actual Outcome.
Got inspired to write this brief book based on practical experience. Currently writing books on the ESSENCE OF ELEVENTH HOUR MIRACLE AND LIBERATION.