Countryside Food - Traditional Handmade Sweet Potato Vermicelli 传统手工制作红薯粉条

in #countryside8 years ago (edited)

This is a very old tradition of handmade, in our here, do only one people can do sweet potato, to the New Year special very busy, almost no time to rest, take a look how do it.
This is the sweet potato,Sweet potatoes pressed into powder,After cooling to become dried sweet potato skin,Cut into small strips, into the pan fried 3-5 minutes, it becomes crispy sweet potato stem
这是红薯,红薯下霜季节挖是最甜的, 洗干净后,榨成粉用来熬制红薯汤,冷却后晒干就成了红薯皮,切成小条后,放进油锅炸3-5分钟,就成了酥脆红薯干,咬一口嘣嘣响,红薯汤放进蒸笼里出来的就是红薯皮,切成小条就成了红薯粉条

Hope you like!


Very interesting food post. Keep these coming!