The best questions to understand our customers

To have the greatest success in sales, especially in closings, the first thing we have to understand is what our client is really looking for. It is not about developing the gift of divination, it consists of asking questions that allow us to get to the bottom of their priorities, their concerns and desires. Below I share with you some of the best questions you can ask your clients to obtain greater clarity in the process.
Questions would be the following: what is most important to you in this purchase? This clearly helps us identify the main criteria that our client has for making the purchase, whether it is the price, the design, the utility, the location or the profitability in any case.
Another question could be: what negative or positive experiences did you have in the past with the purchase of this same product? With this question you can discover specifically what they like or what they want to avoid in the purchase and thus be able to make a readjustment in the offered proposal.
What is your ideal scenario? This leads the client to graphically describe what he is wanting, he will write it without a filter and this will allow us to align ourselves with his vision
Can you describe to me what your short and long term objective is? In the case of a real estate investment we can understand if this client is looking for an immediate rule or a capital gain for his future, or perhaps simply a property to enjoy with his family.
What are the things that worry you when making this decision? With this question we can bring to light those internal objections that normally would not be mentioned and in this way we can have greater clarity in the process and cover the objections that arise.
Now let's suppose that in terms of budget and time there are no objections and not a single restriction, here we can ask what would you choose? This gives us clarity in the client's wishes and from that point we can adjust the options to get much closer to closing a successful event.
The main thing in this whole process, as we had talked about in the previous post, is that we must ask questions and listen much more than we speak, we must let the client elaborate on each answer, the answers are much more valuable when we give the client time to think and be able to answer us, you must also take into account that the first answer is the most accurate.