Ahri Cosplay | League of Legends
This is one of my favorite shoots I've done to date! If you're not following Gapple Photos (https://www.instagram.com/gapplephotos/) you really need to fix that!!
I was thinking about League recently since Yuumi came out and HOLY CANOLI SHE'S SO CUTE! Cute enough for me to download League again? Hmmm maybe when it's not finals week 😅 I'm aware that the game has changed A TON so I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of commitment (ha) Do you still play? Who's your main or who used to be your main?
Cosplayer: @giuato
Photographer: Gapple Photos

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Thank you! :)
Hey I just met you!
And this is crazy
But my name's Ahri
I'll charm ya, baby!
In all seriousness, that looks great! I used to main ADC or mid caster, depending on what I felt like. Though it was... Not good...
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Those lyrics were pretty good, lol! And thanks! I was never much good at League either ^^; I just played for fun with my friends!
The hard part for me was the negativity once I hit summoner level 27. By that point, everyone was all "OMG UNINSTALL YOU FUCKING NOOB!" all the time, when in casual matches. It wasn't good for my mental health, I had to get away from it.
Posted using Partiko Android
I really love ahri <3
Thanks! :)
Sup Dork?!? Enjoy the Upvote!!!