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RE: One Man Scores HUGE Win for ALL Americans Against Corrupt FEDS

in #corruption7 years ago

Anyone who works for FEDSCUM or local scum!!! MUST be PUBLICLY SHAMED!!!!!!!! I will NOT be friends with anyone in local, state or federal government police or gov't thugs, pretty much right on down to the trashman, this is a nightmare.


Not everyone in Goverment positions are bad. Grateful for the whistle blower Wooten for coming out and reporting the truth about the BLM corruption.

Very True. It's just sad that few are willing to cross that thin blue line though. I have never actually meet a cop that was willing to publicly call out a fellow cops poor judgment or abuse of power, aside from the most extreme examples of murder. Sadly many of those are explained away as just following their training. You have to understand I'm not in opposition to law enforcement. I almost became a State Trooper. I'm in opposition to the unlawful(natural law)/unconstitutional/unethical/dehumanizing LAWS that they are asked to and many are excited to excessively enforce. Not to mention the endless collection of fines.

I feel like any "good" Government employee should strive to make themselves redundant. For once they think that they are truly needed, they become a lost cause.

Good point, the fact that the BLM are armed is an example of over policing. If problems arised local law informant should be called.

Militarized, I believe is a more fitting word. I have no issue with anyone being armed. In fact I'm under the impression that if everyone was armed crime and abuse of power would be nearly stamped out. People would be more respectful to one another and law enforcement would certainly be more respectful to the citizens they are meant to serve and protect. In fact their would be little need for law enforcement. Because the people would soon learn to police themselves. Legislators would be very careful to not tread on the peoples rights and Judges would be mindful of rendering a just verdict. This of course is my opinion and no one is obliged to agree.

Militarized is the right word, I agree.

That's true. They're not all bad. We should direct our efforts at correcting this beast to the systemic institutional evil rather than get sidetracked on personalities. Only thing is that's a tall order when leftist media pulls out all the stops to advance the police state. Maybe if folks understood that the most successful leftist alive is none other than Kim Jung Un media would back down.

I agree, but he did what I said didn't he, he lived by his principles and essentially quit his job right? I think I said it wrong, once made aware the gov is a criminal organization, then the only action to take is to qut or I label you SCUM. How long could a NAZI continue working for hitler after they have found out he is evil (if he really was which I do believe) and not be guilty of the crimes himself.

Order followers are as guilty as anyone once made aware of their crimes. PEACE

Without friends or family who are willing to show people the error of their ways and take the time to discuss the issues in a meaningful way, we on the outside would depend on those individuals you speak of to change their attitude towards things on their own without external influence, which is a bit of a stretch in today's world.

It IS NOT my thinking so much as if you live by principles than you HAVE NO CHOICE. I would offer my opinion regarding family and friend order followers , and if no action is taken by them then cut them off 100%. ugggggh everyday I am more disgusted with .gov .