Lockdown and quarantine are increasing family conflicts around the world

in #coronavirus4 years ago


Family violence is on the rise worldwide. In San Francisco, US, the number of cases has increased, with 60 percent. The rate is 70 in Chile, 32 in France and 30 percent in Argentina. Human rights organizations say billions of people are locked in homes and quarantines in the country because of Corona. During this time of worklessness, the psychological distance between the husband and wife is increasing. The negative impact on the marriage.

Corona has changed all the equations. Not only is the procession of death getting heavy. Traditional family ties are also being broken. International human rights organizations say family violence in Lockdown and Quarantine Life is more prevalent now than ever in the past.

That being said, family law cases in the US state of San Francisco have increased by almost 60 percent.
Kathy Black, executive director of La Casa de las Madres, said many couples are breaking up emotionally because of being in captivity for too long in one house. No one wants to be in one place. In this situation, physical, mental oppression is also increasing.

In the UK, the family conflict has taken a terrible turn.
Lisa King, director of communications for the charity-Refugee, said only the call for our organization's helpline increased by 25 percent. This number is awful. Because of the famine, two women die each week in England and Wales.

Of course, the worst case scenario is in Latin America. Casa del Encuentro, the country's agency that monitors women's violence, said 12 women were killed in Argentina in just one week. In the Quarantine state, domestic violence increased by 30 percent. Amnesty International Argentina reports that the highest 60 percent is in Buenos Aires. The conflict in Chile increased by 70 percent.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the threat only increases when women are not safe in their own homes. So I urge all people in the world to avoid family conflicts.
Family violence increased by 32 percent in France. Of these, violence in Paris alone is 36 percent in just one week. Russia's image is similar.

Image Credit: https://new.qq.com/omn/20200325/20200325A0D6P000.html