Corona Time :(
Yesterday I called the emergency number as i had many of the symptoms, had an ambulance ride and 4 hours of checks in a pavillion of hell, where people were coughing a lung and shit.
I have just mild symptoms and only need a weekly check up and home isolation to avoid contaminating others.
Hope you get over this quickly! Wouldn’t be the same without your critiques.
Hehe, thanks mate!
So you tested positive? If so i am curious your blood type. Supposedly its affecting people w type O alot milder. Fast healing to you 🙏
I'm A+ if i recall properly.
And sadly here no quick tests unless you are either coughing a lung or priority personnel.
They did torax x-ray and blood saturation and an ECG and the slow test which takes a few days to come back.
Told me not to worry unless any of the symptoms got stronger and to isolate at home to avoid spreading.
Thanks for sharing @nnnarvaez, get well soon
Que mejores pronto. Seguramente es gripe, pero es muy responsable de tu parte hacerte la prueba y descartar la posibilidad de ese malvado virus. Ahorita, cuando se tienen síntomas no se puede estar tranquilo sin saber a ciencia cierta de qué se trata. Y por supuesto muy importante el aislamiento.
Un abrazo
amigo esteré orando por ti para que te mejores, Dios es poderoso y no existe nada que no pueda soportar su poder y su gloria.
Seguramente no es nada.
Como sigues? Estas bien?