Coronavirus Updates - Links of the Best Maps & Data to FollowsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #coronavirus5 years ago

My heart goes out to everyone who has already been affected by this disease, and all those who will continue to face strife in the wake of this outbreak. In time we will know more, but currently there is an unmistakable sense of uncertainty and distrust of what the government officials are stating.


At any rate, here are the top sources I could find that cover the Wuhan Coronavirus 2019-nCov outbreak:

Resource #1:

Live updates from international news sources
Live data covering 1) number of official infected individuals, 2) number of official deaths from the virus, 3) number of countries with official confirmed infected cases currently, as well as other data if you scroll further down:

Resource #2: MapHub Fuuuuuuu

This is the best resource for tracking ongoing "possible cases", and to see when they have been confirmed positive or negative (green areas indicate a suspected case has been deemed negative for Coronavirus and dark organge means positive confirmation of Coronavirus)

It also displays travel restrictions, school closings (at least in one area of China, where schools are closed until February 17th), border closings and active quarantines.

Resource #3: BNO News - Coronavirus Updates

This resource has been slow to update in comparison with others like the Maphub resource listed above, but it is a good resource to check less frequently for overall stats on China's mainland numbers, bordering region numbers and international numbers - it also outlines stats for the number of patients who are "critical", "stable", etc. (although these stats seem to be fewer and farther between). Still a good resource to cross-reference with some of these other options.

Resource #4:

Another map-type of resource that shows you the density & general footprint of confirmed cases, by territory and with stats when you click on each "marker". Similar to the BNO News resource listed above, I've noticed this map does not seem to update as frequently as MapHub, but like BNO News is also seemingly reliable as a resource worth checking every day or so to cross-reference the numbers from some of these other sources.