Connecting the Dots between 9/11 and Covid-19 - The Truth has to be Exposed Series - PART 1

in #coronavirus4 years ago (edited)

The story or rather His-Story always repeats itself. The Media/Government always tells you one story but it's to confuse and distract the Masses from understanding the real story that has been kept from the people for thousands of years. Understanding 9/11 is a great tool to Understanding what is currently going on with the World so that we can Destroy our True Enemies that are behind the CoronaVirus Plandemic. I quote this verse from the Bible not with the intention of promote a religion but with the intention of Exposing to the World who we are actually Fighting Against in order that we may be able to identify who or what are the real causes behind the scenes of what is currently going on. In order to defeat the Enemy that is behind our Destruction, we must be able to identity who our actual Enemies are and what are their intentions.

"Ephesians: 6:11-12 - Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places".

This is an interview by an Scott Forbes an IT guy who worked for my former Employer Fiduciary Trust International International located on the 90th, 94th thru 97th floors of the South Tower of World Trade Center. In this video he explains how they were notified 3 WEEKS before 9/11 that there was going to be a 36 hour Power Down in the top 50% of the floors, which he says was UNPRECEDENTED. Translation, they were going to Shut off all the Power in the Building which equates to a Complete lose of Systems. something that had Never Ever happened Before except for the 1993 bombing. This Power Down took place on the weekend prior to 9/11 on the 8th and 9th of September. This meant that IT workers worked on those days to secure there systems. Mr Forbes claims to have seen suspicious looking maintenance workers during these 2 days of the Power Down. For those of you who know the TRUTH already, The Original narrative that we were told by the Government and Media which 90% is owned by only 6 Cooperation in the United States is a LIE.…/5472690.

We were told that the Buildings fell due to Planes that were HIJACKED by 17 Muslim members of Al-Queda. According to the Official story/LIE. They claim that the Jet Fuel from the Planes melted the 47 steel beam's that were in place in each Building that Maintained the structural integrity of the Building. The fact of the matter is Jet Fuel cannot Melt Steel Beam's as the temperature of Jet Fuel is not Hot Enough to accomplish this feat, it can only weekend the Beam's. Plus the Buildings were created with the capacity to withstand tested in 1964 to be able to withstand the impact of Boeing 707 which is similar in it's dimensions to the Boeing 767 that brought down the towers in Free Fall Speed.

Frank A. Demartini, the on-site construction manager for the World Trade Center, said on January 25, 2001, 8 months prior to 9/11.

“The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door—this intense grid—and the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting.” For a further breakdown check out…/360-faq-2-were-the-twin-towers….

Also I will add if you think I'm making this up, the media never mentions that 3rd Building, Building 7 fell at 5:20 pm on the same day and in 7 seconds free fall speed. How is it possible that a Building that is 47 stories and approximately 100 meters away from the WTC Tower 1 and 2 can fall in this matter and in Free Fall Speed. Free Speed means that there as no resistance, which would be the same speed if you jumped out the window of a Building. Actually the collapse of Building 7 was reported by the BBC, 10 minutes before it actually happened, now isn't that ODD and MYSTERIOUS. Don't Believe me, watch the Video, I guess they read the script to early.

They Said Details are Very Very Sketchy, I would say that your BULLSHIT story is very very Sketchy. The official 9/11 NIST report says the Building 7 came down due to Fires in the office furnishings. So your telling me a building the distance of a Football field was brought down to the fires in the Building but days later they claimed that the Found one of the Passports of the Hijackers, Absolutely Ridiculous!!!.

And of course they immediately knew it was Osama Ben Laden who coincidentally also was a CIA agent. Also the 17 Hijackers were supposedly Saudi's, so why the hell did the US attack Afghanistan and Iraq?? Why did Trump back On May 20, 2017 sign a series of letters of intent with Saudi Arabia's Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to purchase arms from the United States totaling US$110 billion immediately, and $350 billion over 10 years.…/2017_United_States%E2%80%93Saudi…

So what what were those mysterious men in maintenance gear doing on the weekend prior to 9/11. I'll tell what they were doing, they were setting up the nano-thermite in the Columns of the Building that maintain the structural integrity of the Buildings, which is able to burn threw Steel and explains why all 3 Buildings Fell at Free Fall Speed. This is the same stuff that is used in Demolitions to Bring down buildings in Las Vegas.

Another question for you is why did the Jewish Zionist lease owner of the Towers Larry Silverstein, the lease owner for of Buildings 1,2,4 and 5 of the WTC Complex sign a 99-year lease, worth $3.2 billion, on four buildings at the site, including the fallen twin towers. He signed the lease in July, 24th 2001, just six weeks before the attack which also included an insurance plan that ‘fortuitously’ covered acts of Terrorism. After 9/11, Silverstein took the insurance company to court, claiming he should be paid double because there were 2 attacks. He won, and was awarded $4,550,000,000. After 9/11, Silverstein took the insurance company to court, claiming he should be paid double because there were 2 attacks. He won, and was awarded $4,550,000,000. This guy also must have the luck of the Irish because the morning of September 11, 2001, his wife insisted that he attend a medical appointment with the Dermatologist. Due to the appointment, he escaped almost certain death, LOL I can't even make this stuff up. UNBELIEVABLE!!

Here's a video of an interview of Larry "The Demon" Silverstein explaining how the Fire Department Commander told him they weren't going to be able to contain the fires in Building 7 and there was a Terrible Lose of Life,so They made THE DECISION to PULL IT which is terminology used by Demolition Crews when they Bring down a Building. He later says by Pull it he meant to get the Firefighters out of the Building, who were never in the Building in the First Place. You can hear it from the horse is mouth directly along with Why He wasn't in the Building that Day and other interesting facts. I would also like to mention that the Buildings were filled with asbestos would course a fortune to be removed. This also makes this lease story suspicious, plus Building 7 was empty not many tenants so he was destined to lose money on it.

And sadly more then 70,000 tose are just those that are registered) EMS workers, Firefighters, Police and others payed the price years later with there lives years later suffering from and dying from rhinosinusitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), asthma, sleep apnea, cancer, post traumatic stress disorder, respiratory disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, depression, and anxiety disorder. The most common cancers were skin cancer and prostate cancer. So not only do you have the death of those who worked in the building but also of those who tried to save lives and of course the millions of innocent people that died from the wars and the soldiers who died and commit suicide due to PTSD. This all in the name of Money, so that a few people can profit at the expense of millions.

And Guess what more lies because Within days of the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, then EPA chief Christine Whitman infamously encouraged New Yorkers to head back to Lower Manhattan. “The good news continues to be that air samples we have taken have all been at levels that cause us no concern,” she told reporters. A week later, she again assured the public that the air was “safe to breathe and their water is safe to drink.

Her claims were echoed by then New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani who, in his apparent eagerness to get the Financial District up and running again, told everyone “to go back to normal.” He also called the air around Ground Zero “safe as far as we can tell, with respect to chemical and biological agents,” even as experts warned that it was not. “You won’t see any immediate problems,” Mount Sinai’s Dr. Philip Landrigan told the New York Daily News on September 13, describing the risks of exposure to the wreckage of the Twin Towers. “It will take 25 to 30 years to develop.”

But she said she was sorry,makes me sick but as usual these sick criminals never have to pay the price for there lies, but I assure you one they they will.…/15-years-later-how-has-9-11-affected-ne……/epa-head-wrong-911-air-safe-n……/Health_effects_arising_from_the_…

Along with all this I will drop some more pieces of Knowledge on you. When the first Building, the North Tower got struck by first plane, the staff in the South Tower had been instructed to Remain or even return inside the building after the first tower had been hit and was in flames. Most were turned back by officials of the Port Authority. Workers had looked across the divide after 8.48am at an inferno and decided to make a run for it. They were told, however, to remain in their seats. Others, who had made it down stairwells towards or even out into the lobby giving out on to the street and freedom, were told to run back upstairs. Full Story Below…/16/september11.usa3

Of all my former coworkers at Fiduciary Trust I only know of 2 that survived because they left the Building (From the 97th Floor) immediately after the First tower was hit. When I received the call from a friend to turn on the TV that morning after the first plane (or possibly drone) got hit, I was confident that my fellow friends and coworkers would be ok. I called a friend of mine that worked at another firm located in Jersey City. She told me she had spoken to my Supervisor Stephen Joseph who was like a brother to me and told me that they were organizing everyone in the department to leave together. Well thanks to the announcements they didn't survive except for the 2 I mentioned. I was Blessed to have resigned from my position from Fiduciary Trust after almost 2 years of Working there only due to the fact that my Parents decided to sell the House in Brooklyn and move to South Florida. In reality I had no reason to leave as I had a great job, great pay and the people there were like Family to me. I Believe this was an act of God on my Behalf to Survive and Be alive during these times to Expose the Satanic Dark Agenda of Evil Elites that have been keeping the World in Darkness and Under a Deep Fog of ILLUSION.

Now to those that are already AWAKE you can make the connections and understand what I am talking about. To those who are just receiving this information for the first time I will make a summary connection as to what this has to do with the Coronavirus. As you can see from all the information that I have explained about 9/11, it's all a Big Big LIE. The official story is never what the Media or Government says and every major event is planned out in Great Detail to the Ignorance of the Masses.

Immediately after 9/11 President Bush signed the Patriot Act into effect on October 26th 2001. What was the purpose and consequences of the Patriot Act you might ask. The Purpose of it is to take away the Freedoms of the People and further Implement the New World Order Agenda. I will give you the top 10 Freedoms that were affected by the signing of the Patriot Act and you can read the link below for further details. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Privacy, Freedom of Information, Freedom of Movement, Right to a Fair Trial, Freedom of Association, Right to Due Process, Economic Liberty, Equal Protection Under the Law, Freedom From Unreasonable Searches. And of this was done under the Pretense to Protect Citizens and the Country from Terrorism. Oh did you people already forget Edwin Snowden who leaked highly classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013 when he was a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee and subcontractor.…/

So as you can see and I do encourage you to do your own research, the Government does whatever they want and True Freedom and the Rights of the Individual are of no Regard. And the Constitution is of new effect whatsoever. So they commit the crime, they create the Event and then they implement there Agenda which is Complete and Outer Control of the Human Race. 9/11 was a Complete Inside Job that the Evil so called powers that Be executed to make Excuses to Remove the Freedoms of the People, Go to War under false pretenses because War is a very very profitable Business and a great way to kill innocent lives steal other countries resources such as Oil, Poppy Plants (which is used for making Heroine and is abundant in places like Afghanistan) and Great way to Control the Population by Inducing Fear.

So like Coronavirus is like 9/11 in many many ways. The official Coronavirus is a lie just like 9/11. The Media and Governments of the world have created a several stories to distract, control and cause Fears in the Minds of the People that the virus was created in Wuhan in a market due to the sell of bats. Or the story that it was created in a Chinese laboratory in association with a Harvard Scientist Charles Lieber. Or my Favorite of Favorite stories is that it's all related to a secret military coop called Q'anon. The Q has claims that many liberal Hollywood actors, Democratic politicians, and high-ranking officials are engaging in an international child sex trafficking ring. So basically what is really going on during this mandatory Quarantine or as my brother Tony Sayers put's it mandatory house arrest as that the military is gutting the swamp and arresting all these pedophiles involved in this underground sex trafficking, where thousands of children are held in underground tunnels.

Now I do believe that this part of the Q story regarding child sex trafficking is more or less accurate but I definitely don't believe that all these superstar Pedophiles such as Jeffrey Epstein are being arrested and will be eventually executed in Gizmo. As always these people who run things are very very clever and know to mix in some truth with the lies put with the ultimate goal of giving people false hope that they are on our side. These people are all friends and part of secret societies, if anything they are being protected along with high ranking Military officials in NORAD or some other safe location.. What is NORAD you might ask?? It is a facility, completely self-sufficient city inside a mountain. The Cheyenne Mountain Complex in Colorado Springs, long dubbed “America's fortress,” is a bunker like no other. It sits 2,000 feet below solid granite, hidden deep in a mountain, and was built to withstand any type of threat

How quickly forget who Donald J Trump is. Trump is a master con artist, racist, pedophile, pathological liar among other things. This is his history/legacy from his many failed businesses such as Trump University (scamming thousands) and lawsuits which have been sealed to prevent the Public from knowing who this Psychopathic liar really is. This is a man who is involved in the Casino business, a business that I may add promotes alcoholism, drug abuse, prostitution, degenerate gambling and is well known to have ties with the Mafia among other things. This is a guy who has no problem insulting people and talks about grabbing woman by the pussy. And there is also footage of him laughing with Jeffrey Epstein and associated with elites ILLUMINATI such as Bill and Hilary Clinton. Like the late great comedian George Carlin once said "It's a Big Fucking Club and you ain't in it". Watch this video to see the picture I am painting clearer. The Donald as an all star for the media as they called him the "Donald" and said he had the midas touch. Again lies all in the name of MONEY.

So will now get to the good part, what is really going on?? Why is getting people sick. Well Glad you asked that question, it's about 5G. Oh you don't believe me, Ok fine, let me ask you another million dollar question. Where in the World was 5G first installed? If you would have said Wu-Tang Clan, your very very close. Actually it's the first place where we are told the virus started, Wu Han, China. But surely this is just some odd coincidence, thing again my friend. I will get deeper into my theory in further post. So what you need to do is some research into what exactly is 5G and read and listen to some real scientist not the fake scientist that are paid off handsomely by the Evil ones to promote this Propaganda. So that is why also Italy also has a high death rate due to the virus that and the fact they have the oldest population of people in Europe which are most susceptible to Radiation Poison, because the symptoms that they say are caused by the Con-or-Virus or actually the same symptoms caused by Radiation Poison

Last year they started preparing 5G in many countries with the Goal of installing it in 2020. And unless your doing your homework your have no clue of what I'm talking about. Just like 9/11 the Media creates the false narrative to keep you at home quarantined and complacent while 5G is being installed all over the place like wild fire, especially in The US and places like New York. So while everybody is being surveillance and staying at him like good Citizens the global economy is collapsing and will most likely collapse in the next few weeks. Also there are mass foot shortages already in the US which few knows about. In 2019 there were not enough migrant workers to help out on the farms which have lead to many crops being lost. And once the economy collapses and the bank close and the food is not available there will be Chaos.

And these people (whether or not they are really human is up for debate) LOVE chaos and that is why Military Personal has been deployed in many many states. Oh did I mention many Prisoners have also been let out of Jail, many of them will have no place to go and the homeless shelters are full to capacity. Just to throw some more gasoline into the fire. You watch and see what is going to happen in places in New York in the next 2 weeks. And while everyone is getting there distance and distracted by the Puppet Masters and there media a Bill was passed March 23 to speed up the installation of 5g. And there are also videos of 5G being installed in schools while the children are safe at home.

And what's gonna be the next phase of this plan unless WE THE PEOPLE don't wake up and Unite against all of this? NWO, Complete surveillance, digital currency, forced vaccinations, RFID chips implanted into our hands and the end of whatever is left of Freedom. Bill Gates is also a major part of this and also a the number 1 world proponent of vaccinations,developing RFID chips and Depopulation. In 1992, the United Nations came up with Agenda 21 with the goal to depopulate the World by 95% by the year 2030. You can find that info on there website it's not even a secret it's just the majority are still asleep. FYI,178 countries are in agreement with Agenda 21 so it proves that they are working together to destroy almost All us in. So this Coronavirus/5g is a Huge step in that direction. But don't take my word for it, do the homework.…/

Now I will share with you a personal testimony, it might not mean much to you but for me int confirms that everything I have written is the Truth and Nothing but the Truth So Help me Universal God. As I said at the beginning of this very long post that I worked in the Towers and my life was spared. I started waking up and learning about many of the things going on in the World in 2012. In October of 2013 I had enough of it and bought a ticket to Chile and basically left with nothing. I stayed in South America for 28 months before returning to the US with nothing for a short period of time.

I am from New York and have known about Donald Trump my entire life since I as was small boy even lived in one of his Father's housing apartments in Brooklyn when I was a 3 years old. I first found out about Donald Trump running for President a year prior to the Elections. At first I thought it was a joke since Trump was always in the News in New York because the Media Loves him because he is outrages and they make money from telling stories about him. And that is how he eventually became famous on the Apprentice, so called Reality shows and America is addicted to this garbage like crack

When I came back to the US, in February of 2016 (8 months before he won the Elections) upon smoking my first joint of quality marijuana I had a vision of Trump. I had a vision of Trump as President of the US dressed like Hitler in a Nazi uniform. This scared the shit out of me and I left the US again about 2 weeks later. For the non spiritual people you may think this is stupid. But to those who Faith in the Creator and Source of Life, this will be meaningful to you.

In this world I am essentially a nobody, I gave up my material positions because I saw the emptiness of living a life for material things that do not give any real satisfaction. Many will disregard my message because I am a poor nomadic backpacker. I hated school and had to go to summer school at night school just to graduate high school with a 2.1 gpa. I have no degree not even 1 college credit to my name. But to those who know truth all of that is irrelevant. The spiritual is what is important, being a kind, humble person is what counts. I don't remember what school Jesus and the disciples went to or Buddha or Krishna, or Mohamed or Bob Marley, etc, etc. The only real teacher in this world is the school of LIfe and Experience is the Greatest Teacher of all.

The point of what I'm saying is this. There is very Good News in this Dark time that we are living. This is the Biggest Opportunity for Change for the World to finally change, the Hatred, Poverty and Wars to stop. To take back our POWER as Spiritual Beings put on this Earth to Love, Share and Cooperate with One Another. The ILLUMINATI powers have been playing a big game on all of Society since the Beginning. And it has taken this moment for us to Realize that we are all the Same, we really are. I have traveled all over the World in close to 7 years and everywhere I go meet kind, loving people of all races, colors and religion. So let us Love our Neighbor as we Love ourselves and if you don't love and forgive yourself, Today is the Perfect day to do so. Light comes out of Darkness, so let's fill this Planet with So much Love And Light that we together will Destroy The Dark Principalities that have been the cause of our Demise.

And to our my Light Workers out their, Thank you so so very much for allowing me to sense my own Power and Purpose in this World. You are Truly an Inspiration to me and have given me the Strength and Courage to share what I have just Shared.

One Last Thing, Please Please take care of your Health, mentally, physically and Spiritually. Do not but yourself in the mercies of the Medical monsters. There are many ways to heal yourself naturally with organic food, herbs, get sunlight, do you best with what you have. Don't put your life in there hands, you might go into the Hospital and may not come out alive due to something to inject in you. Stay away from Dead Processed food that causing sickness. Forgive yourself and Forgive anyone that has Hurt you, because the greatest medicine is a filling yourself with Love and Letting go if Pain, Anger and Fear. And turn off your Lying TV's. And Don't forget to Sing, Dance, Meditate and Praise the Almighty.
I Love you ALL, Until Next Time "Stay Blessed and Fearless.

In the words of Earth, Wind and Fire, "Keep Your Heads to The SKY"

Original material from Alejandro Luz Do Sol