The poor, stupid people of earth watch helplessly as the population is decimated...

in #corona5 years ago (edited)


  1. The coronavirus corresponds to a multi-organ virus, which can attack all organs and, as a multi-pathogen, can call forth manifold forms of suffering and disease.

  2. The coronavirus corresponds to a mutating virus species, which can emerge in typical and atypical corona-forms, therefore, in atypical forms it is difficult to recognise it as a corona species.

  3. The coronavirus is unpredictable and can infect any human being of any age, namely already the fruit in the womb as well as from infancy to old age, and indeed both woman and man.

  4. In its type of mutation, the coronavirus is particularly dangerous with regard to the full blood count, which, due to the virus, shows serious changes in all measurement parameters of the leukocytes, erythrocytes, haemoglobin, haematocrit, MCH and MCHC measurements; just as the virus also brings about blood clotting disorders.

  5. To have been infected by the rampantly spreading corona disease once and to have been cured, depending on the case, does not mean absolute immunity against the virus for human beings, because, after some time, that is to say, indefinite time, a new infection through external influences can be always probable, which can persist for life.

  6. The coronavirus can never be finally eliminated, rather it will remain existent under the surface for a very long time, namely for many millennia, thousands of centuries or even millions of years, just as other viruses can continue to exist likewise and depending on their type.

  7. A corona affection can cause life-threatening forms of thromboses in all organs of human beings of any age.

  8. A corona affection can trigger existing epilepsies, but can also call forth new epilepsies of various kinds.

  9. A corona affection can bring forth heart disease and heart failure in a human being at any age, which can end fatally, of which even children can be befallen.

  10. Even after a recovery, a corona affection can lead to possible life-long health disorders and various organic afflictions and illnesses.

  11. A corona affection can quickly or over the course of time call forth a susceptibility to allergies, which can apply to manifold kinds and also persist for life.

  12. Due to a corona affection, long term effects can develop in relation to various health-damaging, permanent impairments, which can occur in different organs.

  13. Our latest cognitions show that a corona affection can, under some circumstances and after convalescence, cause partial or total blindness or, equally, a partial or total loss of hearing, as a result of long-term effects.

  14. Further research cognitions show that immunities, which used to be present after recovery from previous diseases, can be reversed after an illness from the corona virus and consequently old ailments and diseases can reappear again.

  15. A corona affection can let each organ collapse independently of another and also have a deadly effect in this form, because the virus as such corresponds to a multi-organ virus and therefore can attack any organ.

  16. In a corona affection, the multi-organ virus can call forth a sequential failure, that is to say, multi-organ failure that corresponds to a severe functional impairment of various vital organ systems of the body, in addition to the ‘simple’ symptoms of the disease that are also known to terrestrial medical professionals.

The Casualties Mount


If you stop and really think about what all of this means, it will chill you to the core.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

OR... don't be.

The end result will be the same