Virtue Signaling and such

in #corona5 years ago

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While everyone is busy doing that 👆🏻 out in the streets, carrying signs, shouting at each other through useless, and possibly harmful masks, looting, setting fires and drawing blood from their fellow humans over a contrived race war, while everyone is using blackout and whiteout symbolism on social media and mask-shaming...while so many friendships and families are being even further divided by choosing a side of #AllLivesMatter, #BlackLivesMatter, or #BlueLivesMatter, the elites are gathering steam in their long-planned, scripted agenda against us all , black ~ white~ brownish whatever color you are (or 'identify with' 🙄), if you're taking part in this agenda of division, you are not paying attention to the big picture.

What's the big picture?
This meme is a good start


👉🏻In USA there is a 25% higher chance of dying as a violent white criminal at the hands of a police officer than you do as a violent black criminal.
👉🏻Last year 10 unarmed black men were killed by police, 19 unarmed white men were killed by police.
👉🏻White people = 60% of population, black people = 13%.
👉🏻Black men = 6% of population who account for 44% of all murders.
👉🏻White people 60% of population account for 50% of all murders.
👉🏻A police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a civilian than a civilian is by a police officer .
👉🏻Cops killed 10 unarmed black men and 19 unarmed white men last year.
(Of the ten most were lawful killings by the cops and, for the others, the cops were prosecuted.
In total we are talking about 10 black deaths.)

Tucker breaks that down here:👇🏻

extra credit, not related, but interesting:
🤨Doctors kill 250,000 people a year by mistake.

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Your information is being farmed and harvested in order to track your every movement, and soon enough vaccines and testing will be mandatory if you want to do most any type of commerce. Colleges are offering courses on contact tracing, and a lot of the positions offer a decent income. For people who have been put out of work as a result of the pandemic, it may be a career worth pursuing, regardless of how vile, and Stasi-esque the practice may be.
Our children, while mainly physically unaffected by the 'virus' they are likely to be the most severely damaged by the repercussions of how it's been handled by our governments, as is noted in this article and more than one Crowhouse video
I mean, does this look like a school experience you'd enjoy as a child?
Children are supposed to touch each other, hold hands, hug...people need human contact, and our facial expressions connect us emotionally. There's a reason why isolation is a punishment in prisons.

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Just know that while we're all focussed on masks, impending compulsory vaccinations and mandatory DNA donations via nasal swabs, the elites are still getting away with pedophilic rings and child trafficking.

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and governments are removing what remains of our already limited liberties. We all know that once a tax is raised, rarely is it ever removed, and the same principle applies to our rights, once we relinquish them, rarely, if ever, are they just handed back.

We need to stop focussing on what divides us, and become united against those who wish to oppress us. We need massive, peaceful civil disobedience. It's not about a mask, it's about governmental mandating what you put on your body. It's not about black, white, or brown lives, it's about how we all protect ourselves, and our children, from the boot.

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Virtue Signaling
Death caused by mistakes by physicians